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How to Install Python

Python is a popular high-level, general-use programming language. Python is a programming language that enables rapid development as well as more effective system integration. Python has two main different versions: Python 2 and Python 3. Both are really different.

Python develops new versions with changes periodically and releases them according to version numbers. Python is currently at version 3.11.3.

Python is much simpler to learn and programme in. Any plain text editor, such as notepad or notepad++, may be used to create Python programs. To make it easier to create these routines, one may also utilise an online IDE for Python or even install one on their machine. IDEs offer a variety of tools including a user-friendly code editor, the debugger, compiler, etc.

One has to have Python installed on their system in order to start creating Python code and carrying out many fascinating and helpful procedures. The first step in learning how to programming in Python is to install or update Python on your computer. There are several ways to install Python: you may use a package manager, get official versions from, or install specialised versions for embedded devices, scientific computing, and the Internet of Things.

In order to become Python developer, the first step is to learn how to install or update Python on a local machine or computer. In this tutorial, we will discuss the installation of Python on various operating systems.

Installation on Windows

Visit the link to download the latest release of Python. In this process, we will install Python 3.11.3 on our Windows operating system. When we click on the above link, it will bring us the following page.

Python Environment Set-up

Step - 1: Select the Python's version to download.

Click on the download button to download the exe file of Python.

Python Environment Set-up

If in case you want to download the specific version of Python. Then, you can scroll down further below to see different versions from 2 and 3 respectively. Click on download button right next to the version number you want to download.

Python Environment Set-up

Step - 2: Click on the Install Now

Double-click the executable file, which is downloaded.

Python Environment Set-up

The following window will open. Click on the Add Path check box, it will set the Python path automatically.

Now, Select Customize installation and proceed. We can also click on the customize installation to choose desired location and features. Other important thing is install launcher for the all user must be checked.

Here, under the advanced options, click on the checkboxes of " Install Python 3.11 for all users ", which is previously not checked in. This will checks the other option " Precompile standard library " automatically. And the location of the installation will also be changed. We can change it later, so we leave the install location default. Then, click on the install button to finally install.

Python Environment Set-up

Step - 3 Installation in Process

Python Environment Set-up

The set up is in progress. All the python libraries, packages, and other python default files will be installed in our system. Once the installation is successful, the following page will appear saying " Setup was successful ".

Python Environment Set-up

Step - 4: Verifying the Python Installation

To verify whether the python is installed or not in our system, we have to do the following.

  • Go to "Start" button, and search " cmd ".
  • Then type, " python - - version ".
  • If python is successfully installed, then we can see the version of the python installed.
  • If not installed, then it will print the error as " 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. ".
Python Environment Set-up

We are ready to work with the Python.

Step - 5: Opening idle

Now, to work on our first python program, we will go the interactive interpreter prompt(idle). To open this, go to "Start" and type idle. Then, click on open to start working on idle.

Python Environment Set-up

Installation on Mac

To install python3 on MacOS, visit the link and follow the instructions given in the tutorial.

Installation on CentOS

To install Python3 on CentOS, visit the link and follow the instructions given in the tutorial.

Installation on Ubuntu

To install Python3 on Ubuntu, visit the link and follow the instructions given in the tutorial.

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