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WordPress Installation using MS Webmatrix

Webmatrix is a free and lightweight software tool launched by Windows to download different applications. This software is only for Window users. It is very easy to download WordPress from Webmatrix. You can create a website on WordPress using Webmatrix very easily.

Steps to install WordPress

  • Download and Install Webmatrix
  • Open installed Webmatrix
  • Opening App Gallery
  • Choosing Web Application
  • Selecting Database
  • Selecting Password and admin name
  • Start Insatallation
  • Installation complete
  • Running site first time
  • Entering information

Download and Install Webmatrix

Download Webmatrix in your system with the following link

Wordpress Webmatrix1

Look at the above snapshot, you will see this type of file getting downloaded. This is a file with .exe extension.

On opening this file, you'll be directed to the following window.

Wordpress Webmatrix2

Look at the above snapshot, on the top right search for Webmatrix. Now, click on add button in front of Microsoft Webmatrix 3. This button will be converted into Remove icon. Now click on install.

Wordpress Webmatrix3

Look at the above snapshot, click on I agree to start installation.

Wordpress Webmatrix4

Look at the above snapshot, all the servers are getting installed.

Wordpress Webmatrix5

Look at the above snapshot, we have successfully installed Webmatrix on our system with above mentioned applications.

Open Quick Start Webmatrix

Once you have downloaded Webmatrix, open it on your system to install WordPress.

Wordpress Webmatrix6

Look at the above snapshot, the above window is the Quick Start page.

Click on New, you'll be directed to the following page.

Note: If you don't want this page to appear every time, click on the check-box.

Opening App Gallery

There are three options displayed. You have to go to App Gallery which will provide you a lot of options to create a website.

Wordpress Webmatrix7

Look at the above snapshot, on clicking New, three options generated out of which you have to select App Gallery.

Choosing Web Application

Here, we have to choose WodPress application.

Wordpress Webmatrix8

Look at the above snapshot, these are the applications which Microsoft Webmatrix offers. Select WordPress from this and click on Next.

Wordpress Webmatrix9

This page will appear, again click on Next.

Selecting Database

We need to select database. By default, WordPress is only compatible with MySQL. If MySQL is not installed on your system, Webmatrix will install it.

Wordpress Webmatrix10

Look at the above snapshot, by default Webmatrix selects MySQL database.

Selecting Password and admin name

Here, default administrator name will be root. You can type any Password, but remember the admin name and password.

Wordpress Webmatrix11

Start Insatallation

This page will display you all the applications required to be installed with the WordPress. All the software will be installed by itself, you don't have to do anything.

Wordpress Webmatrix12

Look at the above snapshot, after accepting EULA (End User License Agreement), installation begins.

If your Internet connection is good, then your installation will approximately take 1-2 minutes.

Installation complete

Wordpress Webmatrix13

Look at the above snapshot, installation is complete. It shows the list of the applications which we have installed just now.

It also shows user name and password

Running site first time

After finishing installation, workspace appears in Webmatrix site. In the Webmatrix ribbon click on Run.

Wordpress Webmatrix14

Look at the above snapshot, after clicking on Run button, you have to select language.

Entering information

After selecting language, you have to enter further information about your site.

Wordpress Webmatrix15

Look at the above snapshot, in above information you can fill anything as per your wish.

If you will not provide a password, it will automatically generate a password for you.

Wordpress Webmatrix16

Look at the above snapshot, it shows successfully installed WordPress with username as JTP and a password.

Note: If a username and password will not be provided, then by default username will be admin and password will be generated itself.

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