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What are the tips for freshers while forming a resume?

By: codegr*** On: Thu Nov 10 13:18:30 IST 2016     Question Reputation0 Answer Reputation0 Quiz Belt Series Points0  0Blank User
If you?re a Fresher without work experience, it can be difficult to identify what to put in your resume. Many freshers often pad their resumes to make it look bigger - Please don?t do that.
Don?t talk about your parents and their professions
Don?t use large fonts
Don?t list down too many ways to contact you just to consume space
Don?t write down a generic signature statement which will just be skipped

Here are things you MUST add in detail:
Your projects and internships - Many freshers often just provide a one-line about these. But, these points are exactly where you should elaborate more. Add sub-headings under your project - Overview, Methodologies/ Technical Skills, Your contributions, Learnings etc.

Guide the interview:
Your CV is not just a way to talk about your achievements. It can also be a good way for you to guide your interview, so that the conversation turns towards your strengths. Mention your favorite subjects, books you?ve read, blogs you follow etc.

Use power verbs and numbers:
Power verbs like led, organized, achieved, implemented, envisioned etc are all good. Use numbers to be more specific about your achievements. Examples below:
Won second place among 35 participants
Created 12 articles with a total views of 4370 during my internship
Make sure you get 4?5 friends to review your CV once.

Finally, make sure you are prepared to field questions on any topic you have mentioned in your Resume. If you have mentioned something in your CV, Interviewers believe that it is fair game to question you on that topic. So prepare yourself accordingly.

For reference:

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If you are a fresher and want to make good career in IT Sector make sure your resume should be good enough because resume reflects you in front of company strategy .As I am an IT engineer working under IT company I know what HR and Technical Interviewer look at .So some simple Tips for fresher to make good resume -
1. Write Career Summary (Don't write Career Objective - because it shows that you believe in copy paste so don't do that )
under career summary mention your current graduation profile, Skills which you have in you and some +ve points which make you diffrent from others.

2.Write Skills carefully - write only those skills which you know very well .Don't write skills unnecessary.

3. Don't write your name twice and some unnecessary information in your resume.

4.Make Sure you know what you have written in your resume.

5.IMP- before going for an interview proof read your resume .
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By: [email protected] On: Thu Nov 10 14:29:55 IST 2016 Question Reputation0 Answer Reputation0 Belt Series Points0 0User Image
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