Add Highcharts using Angular 9/8

In this example, we are going to learn about highcharts. We will use Angular 8 or Angular 9 to do this. In our Angular application, a spline chart will be created with highcharts. In order to create the chart, we will use highcharts angular 9/8 and install the highcharts and npm package of highcharts angular. In order to add highcharts, we will use the step by step process, which is described as follows:

Step 1:

In this step, we are going Create New App. The following command will be used to create an Angular app like this:

Step 2:

In this step, we are going to Install Npm Package. We will install the highcharts and npm package of highcharts in Angular.

Step 3:

In this step, we are going to Import HighchartsChartComponent. We will use highcharts-angular to import this. After that, we will add the part of declarations. Then we will use a file named app.module.ts and update it like this:


Step 4:

In this step, we are going to Use Highcharts. Here, we will use a file named app.component.ts, and we will update it. This file is used to create a data Json array and then forward it to the highcharts option variable. We will use the API to use the service so that we can get the dynamic data.


Step 5:

In this step, we are going to Display Highcharts. In this, we will use the HTML file, and then we will update that file like this:


Now our above code is ready to run. In order to run the above code, we will use the following command:

When we run this command, the following output will be generated:

Add Highcharts using Angular 9/8

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