Advantages and Disadvantages of Client-side scripting

Client-side scripting refers to a procedure where the code with an HTML web page is sent to the client via the server. In this case, the code is linked to the Script. In simpler terms, client-side scripting refers to an approach where scripts are executed by browsers without connecting to the server. The code runs in the browser of the client's computer, either when the web page is loading or when the page has loaded.

Client-side scripting is mostly utilized to create dynamic user interface elements like pull-down menus and animation buttons, navigation tools, data validation, and more. Nowadays, it is increasing and evolving every day. This means that writing web programming for clients is now much easier and quicker and, in turn, reduces the load on servers.

JavaScript, as well as jQuery, are the most significant web scripting languages that are widely used to create responsive and dynamic web pages.

A browser (temporarily) is able to download the Script locally on the computer and begins processing it in the absence of the server. Thus, the scripting on the client is dependent on the browser.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Client-side scripting

What is client-side Script?

A client-side script can be described as a small software (or sequence of commands) to be embedded (or placed) into the page of a website. It is executed within the browser of the user, not the Web server. The client-side script downloads on the end of the client from the server, along with the HTML web page it's embedded into. The browser reads the Script and displays the result on the screen.

The code that runs on the computer of the user is referred to as a client. The client is embedded (or embedded) inside the HTML document or stored as an external file (known as an external script).

These scripts are delivered to the client's computer from the Web server (or servers) whenever they are required. The client's browser executes the Script and then shows the web page, which includes any visible output generated by the Script.

What is client-side scripting?

Client-side scripts can also contain certain instructions for the browser to follow when responding to specific user actions, like pressing a page button. They may be inspected if the user wants to see their source code for the web page.

The most popular Client-side Scripting Languages

A language that uses syntax to write a program or client-side is referred to as client-side scripting or client-side programming.

The most widely used client-side scripting languages are the following:

1. JavaScript- This is the most popular programing language that is client-side. It is based on ECMAScript, the standard programming language.

JavaScript is an object-based and dynamically typed (or sometimes referred to as lightly typing) programming language. It is run directly on the browser using the help of an interpreter built into the browser.

This is a reference to weakly typed data where variables can be changed from one type of data to another.

2. VBScript- The scripting language is created by Microsoft and is based on Visual Basic. It's used to enhance the capabilities of web pages within Internet Explorer. VBScript is processed as a result of the Internet Explorer web browser.

3. The jQuery library- It is a quick, small, and lightweight JavaScript library. It is used to facilitate a lot of JavaScript code into simple-to-use-functionality.

The majority of large corporations like Google, Microsoft, IBM, Netflix, etc., on the Web use the jQuery language.

Application of Client-side Scripting-

Client-side scripting can be utilized to make websites more interactive. It is typically used at the front end, which is where users can view the web page using the browser. The most important functions of scripting on the client side are listed below:

  • To retrieve information from a web browser or the user's screen.
  • Used in the context of online games.
  • To personalize the web page without having to load it again.
  • Client-side scripting can be used to verify credentials. If the user has entered incorrect details when logging in, the web page will display an error message on the user's machine and will not submit data to the website server.
  • To create ads that engage with users rather than just display pictures.
  • Create animated images that change as we move our mouse across them.
  • Client-side scripts can be used to check for installed plugins and notify the user that the plugin is needed.

Advantages of Client-side Scripting

There are many great benefits of scripting on the client side, including:

  1. The scripting language for clients is very simple to master and utilize. It requires no programming expertise or prior experience.
  2. The primary benefit of scripting on the client side can be that it's light and easy to use (syntax not too complicated). Editing and executing code is quick.
  3. The processing of data happens by the client, not the server, making it easier to scale apps with large volumes of users. Thus, the servers are less burdened.
  4. Data validation on the client side can be achieved with the help of a client-side scripting programming language such as JavaScript.
  5. The execution of scripts that are client-side is faster because once the Script has been downloaded from the server, it's executable by the browser right on the computer of the user.
  6. Mathematical assessment is also a possibility by using scripting on the client side.
  7. The client-side software helps complete complicated tasks in a few steps.
  8. Only script code can be executed by the browser without being connected to the server.
  9. It takes less time to run script code.
  10. Browser will respond instantly when a user presses any key or mouse moves or clicks, etc.

Disadvantages of Client-side Scripting

There are some disadvantages to client-side scripting, which are as follows:

  1. The biggest drawback to client-side scripting is it's not secure because the code is transmitted in the form of a message to the client and, therefore, accessible to it when the user checks the sources of his website page. In other words, the code is typically visible.
  2. Client-side programming is not a viable option for accessing databases or sending sensitive information via the internet.
  3. There is no assurance that the user has turned on JavaScript on the browser of his personal computer. So, any necessary functionality is required to be loaded on the server, despite possible instances that the server might be disabled.
  4. The running of the Script (or program) is dependent on the browser used by the client and its configuration, as well as the security level.
  5. The web-based application that is based on robust JavaScript can be difficult to troubleshoot and maintain.
  6. Languages that Script on the client side are typically less functional than server-side scripting languages.

Client-side Web Attacks

In this section, we'll be able to understand the web-based attacks from the clients' side. These are:

  1. HTML tags that are malicious and that are embedded in web requests could make the server produce unsuitable pages. It could be hazardous when executed by the server. The badly formatted pages that are sent back to the client can cause additional problems if executed from the server side.
  2. Malicious code could be transmitted to the server by hackers on an online discussion group. A typical instance of malicious software might be something like this:
    Hello Group - Here is my message!
    <script>Malicious code</script>
    In the event that JavaScript is enabled on the victim's browser, it will be able to run this code without warning.
  3. An attacker could send the client a file and convince him to send the file to the server. The file could include malicious code that could be used to hack into the website.
  4. When a visitor goes to a website, a tiny text file, referred to as a cookie, is typically stored in the computer of the user. The next time they visit the website, the server checks the cookie. If it finds that it was on the device, an attacker may use the information from the cookie to trigger the downloading of malicious software.
  5. Tags that are similar can cause problems if placed in the wrong location. HTML tags could affect the look and appearance of the page.
  6. The web browser interprets information in accordance with the character set selected by the user. If the user does not indicate the desired character set, then the browser defaults to the setting and may display garbled or show meanings that are not intended.

General Client-side Attack Prevention

The following are general precautions to guard against client-side attacks. These are:

  1. Client-side scripting can be used to cleanse form data prior to transmission.
  2. Users can disable JavaScript functions within the browser. It could disable certain features of the internet.
  3. They must place the security level at 'high' in the browser and lower it only for users who you can be sure won't breach that trust.
  4. Check all files, including cookies, for viruses to stop the spread of malware into the system.
  5. Clients should specify their characters when configuring their browsers.

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