Advantages and Disadvantages of Histogram

Definition of the Histogram:

Assume that in the manufacturing sector, we have several challenges in determining whether our production is meeting a certain target and that, in such circumstances, it proves to be worthy enough. It may be a helpful tool for troubleshooting. To comprehend the data that reoccur more frequently and examine the data density in any given distribution. Utilizing this, we may contrast various equipment, operators, sellers, etc.

The histogram, which Karl Pearson invented, displays the probability distribution of continuous data.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Histogram

A frequency distribution displays the frequency at which each unique value in a data set occurs. The most popular type of graph to depict frequency distributions is a histogram. There are notable differences even though it has many characteristics with a bar chart. One of the seven essential quality tools is this helpful tool for compiling and analyzing data.

A histogram, a visual representation, uses bars to display the data value to display the frequency of data items in a series of equal-sized numerical intervals. The X and Y axes display the interval sizes and frequencies, respectively. Each bar's height indicates the frequency of each interval size. It presents data in a way that makes it simpler to identify a process's dispersion and central tendency. The histogram allows us to look at the distribution and shape of the data. When the sample size is greater than 50, it is most effective.

A quality inspector, for instance, would inquire about the volume of sheets produced within a given range of thicknesses in the steel manufacturing industry. It may also be used to determine whether the process is producing steel sheets within the required range or not. Furthermore, depending on the range, it may be less or more.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Histogram

Similarly, a quality inspector in a pharmaceutical company seeks to determine whether or not bottle caps are properly secured. It is crucial to examine the bottles since if they are tied carelessly or firmly, they could leak out or be difficult to open. Here, he can choose a sample of bottles and specify the torque value necessary to open a cap; let's assume it is 20. To see the visual depiction, plot the data in a histogram.

Bar charts and histograms are extremely comparable. This graph combines a line chart and a vertical bar graph. Rectangles of equal sizes are used to display the data in this case. The distribution of data or information over a continuous period is shown using a histogram. The frequency of the variable is related to the area of the rectangular bars.

Although histograms and bar charts may resemble one another, histograms are intended to depict continuous data, while bar charts display the frequency of variable occurrences. Bins are used to categorizing this continuous data. Using these containers, the majority and minority points can be quickly identified. Additionally, when drawing a histogram, care should be taken to avoid making the bins either too thin, which could affect the flow of the frequency distribution, or too thick, which would make it difficult to see changes in the data.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Histogram

A frequency distribution with continuous classes arranged graphically is called a histogram. It is an area diagram, which can be characterized as a set of rectangles with bases representing the separations between class boundaries and areas that are proportional to the frequencies in the associated classes. Due to the base's coverage of the spaces between class boundaries, all rectangles in such representations are adjacent. Rectangle heights are inversely correlated with corresponding frequencies for similar classes and inversely correlated with frequency densities for different classes.

Histogram Types:

Depending on how the data are distributed in frequency, the histogram can be divided into many categories. There are many different distributions, such as the normal distribution, the skewed distribution, the bimodal distribution, the multimodal distribution, the comb distribution, the edge peak distribution, the dog food distribution, and the heart cut distribution. All of these various distributional types can be represented using the histogram.

A histogram can be one of several sorts, including:

  • Consistent histogram
  • Histogram with symmetry
  • Hectogram with two modes
  • Histogram of probabilities

Advantages of Histogram

Histograms are primarily useful because they are straightforward and adaptable. It provides an insightful look at frequency distribution and can be applied in various contexts. For instance, it can be applied in sales and marketing to create the most successful pricing strategies and marketing campaigns.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Histogram
  • A huge amount of data that is challenging to present in tabular form can be displayed graphically using histograms.
  • Displaying data of different types and frequencies is made simpler by this.
  • For displaying the distribution of data, is helpful.
  • The median, distribution, and variances in data can be determined with the help of a histogram.
  • We can learn about the skewness of the data by looking at the histogram.
  • Additionally, these charts aid in projecting how the process will perform going forward.
  • Calculating a process's capacity becomes easier as a result.
  • Because the intervals are evenly spaced, histograms are fairly consistent.
  • Creating histograms from data tables is simple.
  • Data's standard deviation can be determined with the aid of histograms.
  • Using this graphic, one may determine the chart's range.
  • One type of chart that is easy for readers to understand is the histogram. Reading and understanding it are simple.
  • Histograms are frequently plotted in a decision-supporting manner.
  • These graphs are useful when the data at hand is spread across very wide ranges.
  • The diagrammatic representation provides a data outlook.
  • A process line is made simple to understand.
  • Makes it easier to make decisions and deliver them.
  • Many fields, including manufacturing, the service industry, academia, and others, are suitable.
  • It is among the most often used and well-liked tools for displaying continuous frequency distribution. A histogram can offer us a general impression of the distribution and form of the data with only a glance.
  • In business, histograms are widely used to visualize data for marketing initiatives and project management.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Histogram
  • The graphic position of the Mode value can be displayed using a histogram.
  • A histogram has an advantage over a bar chart due to the base (base of the rectangle) and height (height of the rectangle) both being significant and including numerical data. In contrast, a bar chart is a one-dimensional graphic where only the length (height of the bar) matters and width is arbitrary.
  • Histograms have the benefit of representing a lot of bars that represent various class intervals, giving them an advantage over pie charts. However, pie charts can only have about five or six "slices" or categories because more than that results in an unattractive visual presentation.
  • Drawing a frequency polygon is possible using a histogram. The midpoints of the tops (upper horizontal sides) of the consecutive rectangles of the histogram should be connected by a straight line graph after first drawing a histogram of the specified frequency distribution. A frequency polygon is a shape that was like this obtained.

Disadvantages of Histogram

The drawbacks of a histogram include their great focus on the quantity of "bins," or lines, and their strong sensitivity to the maximum and lowest of the variable.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Histogram

A graph's appearance might change drastically when the max and min are changed, which can be deceptive. Additionally, their simplicity makes it challenging to understand the data's implications and distribution.

  • When plotting a histogram, only continuous data may be used.
  • There are better options when comparing two data types than this chart type.
  • Since data are always grouped or classified, the exact value of the data is not used for plotting.
  • The precise input of a histogram cannot be extracted from a graph unless plotted in a frequency distribution.
  • Histograms are charts that can be easily adjusted to support the desired result.
  • The time difference between the data points can occasionally be overlooked when plotting a histogram.
  • They might be more practical for grouping comparisons of many different data types.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Histogram
  • Data is categorized into groups, making it impossible to read precise values.
  • Comparing two data sets is more challenging.
  • Apply only to continuous data.
  • Intervals are used, preventing the calculation of a precise central tendency.
  • Let's say you want to use pictures to illustrate the sales of four distinct car kinds. Since the X-axis can only display numerical values, a histogram cannot do this. We must create a bar graph to handle categories like automobile type.
  • The representation of discrete frequency distributions using a histogram is not possible. Only continuous frequency distributions can be represented with it.
  • The fact that a boxplot provides us with additional information, like the median, upper quartile, and lower quartile of the data, as opposed to a histogram, is one drawback of the latter.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Histogram
  • It is impossible to compare two separate data sets using histograms. However, comparing two different data sets can be done using several bar graphs.
  • While a histogram can be used to compute the mode, it cannot be used to calculate the mean or the median.
  • If the magnitude of the first open class is not assumed to be equal to the magnitude of the succeeding (second) class and the magnitude of the last open class is not assumed to be equal to the magnitude of the preceding (i.e., last but one) class. Histograms cannot be produced for frequency distributions with open-end classes.

The Conclusion

A histogram can be made to display a data set or data distribution visually. The data values' frequency and significant data volume are displayed in histograms. As a result, the histogram aids in locating the median and distribution of the dataset. This can show any gaps or outliers in the data set as well.

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