Top 20 Agile Interview Questions and Answers

Agile Interview Questions

Here, we are giving the most relevant Agile Scrum interview questions with answers and hope these questions will help you while preparing for the agile scrum interview.

1) What is an agile or agile methodology?

Agile is an iterative approach of software development methodology using short iterations of 1 to 4 weeks. Due to the agile methodology, the development process is aligned to deliver the changing business requirement.

2) What are some quality strategies of agile?

Some quality strategies of agile are:

  • Iteration
  • Re-factoring
  • Dynamic code analysis
  • Short feedback cycles
  • Reviews and inspection
  • Standards and guidelines
  • Milestone reviews

3) What are an agile manifesto and its principle?

Agile manifesto uncovers the better way of developing software by doing it and helping others to do it. Agile has 4 manifesto and 12 principles which defines:

  • Individuals and interactions, i.e., self-motivating and self-organized should be encouraged.
  • Demonstrate the working software at regular intervals with comprehensive documentation.
  • Customers are collaboration over contact negotiation.
  • Responding to change over following a plan.

The principles of agile manifesto are-

  1. Customer Satisfaction: Manifesto provides high priority to satisfy the costumer's requirements. Customer satisfaction is done through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
  2. Welcome Change: Making change during software development is common and inevitable. Every changing requirement should be welcome, even in the late development phase. Agile process is used to increase the customer's competitive advantage.
  3. Deliver the Working Software: Deliver the working software frequently, ranging from a few weeks to a few months with considering the shortest period.

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4) Is there any disadvantage of the agile model (SDLC)?

Disadvantages of Agile SDLC:

  1. The development team should be highly professional and client-oriented.
  2. New requirement may be a conflict with the existing architecture.
  3. With further correction and change, there may be chances that the project will cross the expected time.
  4. There may be difficult to estimate the final coast of the project due to constant iteration.
  5. A defined requirement is absent.

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5) What are the burn-up and burn-down chart?

The burn-up chart depicts the amount of work done in the project, whereas the burn-down chart illustrates the amount of work remaining in the project. Thus, the burn-up and burn-down are used to describe the progress report of the project.

6) What do you understand by Daily Stand-Up?

The daily stand-up is the day-to-day meeting (mostly in the morning) in which the whole team meets around 15 minutes to find the answer for the following three questions:

  • What was done yesterday?
  • What is your plan for today?
  • Is there any obstacle that restricts you to complete your task?

7) What do you understand about Scrum?

Scrum is a framework that helps agile teams work together to develop, deliver, and sustain the complex product in the shortest time. The product provides by scrum team in this shortest period is known as a sprint.

8) What are the different roles in Scrum?

There are three different roles in scrum. These are the Scrum Master, Product Owner, Agile Development Team:

  • Scrum Master: The Scrum Master is a team leader and facility provider who help the team member to follow agile practices so that they can meet their commitments and customers requirements.
  • Product Owner: The Product Owner is one who runs the product from a business perspective. He defines the requirements and prioritizes their values.
  • Agile Development Team: Agile development team provides the judgment on the technical feasibilities or any dependencies.

9) What are the responsibilities of the Scrum Master?

The critical responsibility of Scrum Master includes:

  • Tracking and monitoring project development.
  • Understanding the user requirement correctly.
  • Work to obtain the project properly.
  • Improving the performance of the team.
  • Organized meetings and resolve issues.
  • Communicate and report to the customer and development team.

10) What are different ceremonies and their importance in Scrum?

To clearly express the Scrum planning, Scrum review, Scrum Daily stand up, and scrum retrospective is the purpose of the ceremony. The importance of these ceremonies is to use sprint as per your project.

11) What do you know about Scrum ban?

Scrum-ban is a Scrum and Kanban-based model for software development. This model is used in the project that needs continuous maintenance, various programming error, or some sudden changes.

12) What do you understand by the term agile testing?

The agile testing is the software testing process which is fully based on the principle of agile software development. It is the iterative approach where the user story becomes the output of the collaboration between the product owner and the development team.

13) What are the major principles of agile testing?

Some of the essential principles of agile testing are:

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Face to face communication
  • Sustainable development
  • Continuous feedback
  • Quick respond to changes
  • Successive improvement
  • Self-organized
  • Focus on essence
  • Error-free clean node
  • Collective work

14) What are the skills of a good agile tester?

The agile tester is one who implements the principle of agile software development principles for software testing. An excellent agile tester has the following skills:

  • He must be familiar with the principles and concept of agile.
  • He must be excellent communication skill to communicate with the team and the clients.
  • He can set the priority of a task according to customer requirements.
  • He should able to understand the customer requirement properly.
  • He should understand the project risk due to changing demand.

15) Name the agile frameworks.

Some of the agile frameworks are:

  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Feature Driven Development
  • Test Driven Development

16) Is it ever suggested to use waterfall over Scrum? If yes, explain when.

Yes, sometimes we use waterfall module over scrum. This is because when the client requirement is simple, small, well-defined, fully understood, predictable, and the subject does not change until the project complete.

17) Name some methodologies and development where you have used the agile model.

While answering this type of question, keep in mind to mention those methodologies from which you are familiar whit. Some of the methodologies where agile is used are:

  • Crystal methodologies
  • Lean software development
  • Dynamic development
  • Feature-driven development

18) What was the length of sprints/iterations in your project?

It is a common question for experienced people. The idea behind is to judge in which kind of environment you have worked? There will be follow up of the question that the length fixed in the beginning and never changed? Did you try with less than this length or more than that?

19) What is the difference between the agile & traditional way of working?

The traditional way of development is that which follow the sequential where design -> development -> testing etc. is performed whereas, in agile development, all of this is done in every iteration/sprint.

20) Why does Scrum encourage the use of automated testing for projects?

Due to faster possible delivery of the project, the Scrum development encourages to use automated (automated performance or automated regression) testing. While answering this question, you should explain some tools that you have used for automated testing.

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