Amigos ReviewThe concept-driven film 'Amigos' marks Nandamuri Kalyan Ram's return following the release of his biggest box-office hit. The fact that Kalyan Ram is playing three parts gives the movie a lot of interest. Rajender Reddy, a rookie director, and Maitri Movie Makers created the film, which debuted on February 10, 2023. So, let's have a look at it. StorySiddharth (Kalyan Ram), a resident of Hyderabad, is totally preoccupied with the idea of lookalikes. He keeps seeking, and to his amazement, he discovers not just one, but two lookalikes?Manjunath Hegde and Michael. They soon meet paths, and Siddharth asks the other two for help in persuading Ishika (Aashika Ranganath) to side with him. When everything is going as planned, Siddharth and Manjunath's surprised side is shown by Michael. Who is he? How did he get here? When Siddharth and Manjunath learned about Michael, what did they do? The movie has the answers. Gaining GroundThe entire production is Kalyan Ram's, from start to finish. Kalyan Ram receives a significant amount of screen time since he appears in nearly every frame of the movie. Playing three roles simultaneously is difficult, but Kalyan Ram did a fantastic job at it. It's important for an actor to show diversity while playing such characters, and Kalyan Ram's portrayal was nothing short of amazing. Without a doubt, Kalyan Ram had one of his greatest performances in Amigos. As Michael, the actor exhibits ruthlessness; as Manjunath, innocence; and as Siddharth, finesse. The action heats up a little in the second half, and the movie has some fascinating moments. The tension between the adversary and the protagonist's family is well-created. In this aspect, the scenes that come next are skillfully crafted and highly captivating. The static music by Enno Ratrulo is strategically placed and provides much-needed relaxation to this critically acclaimed action movie. In Tollywood, Aashika Ranganath had a respectable beginning. She looked stunning and did a good job in her tiny part. Brahmaji provided excellent support for Kalyan Ram and light-heartedly laughed. Jaya Prakash does okay with her character. Minus PointsAlthough the concept of doppelgangers is fascinating in and of itself, the writing for the movie was weak, and more drama should have been developed around the plot's main issue. However, Amigos did not go through this. Every now and again, there are exciting moments, but they are also fleeting. The first half of the film is dull and drags, and the narrative is just poor overall. The concept is properly conveyed, but the graph subsequently deviates and doesn't return until the second half. The interval boom is weak and the first hour is uninteresting. There are no unexpected twists in the storyline, and it finally becomes formulaic. It is disgusting how the NIA is depicted, yet they routinely fail to catch a known crook. Unfortunately, neither of these components met the requirements of a film of this caliber. It also has to have perfect editing and a piece of powerful music. Technical AspectsIt is unexpected to witness Ghibran's subpar work. To increase the effect, more attention should have been paid to the background soundtrack. Both the production quality and the cinematography by Soundar Rajan are excellent. The creators did not sacrifice quality. The first part could have been completely rewritten, and the editing might have been a lot better. Regarding the film's debutant director Rajendra Reddy, he did a terrific job. The premise he chose was interesting, and the casting was excellent. But the game was ruined by scripting difficulties. Due to poor writing, a thriller that may otherwise have been really fantastic ends up being simply acceptable. DecisionAmigos, as a whole, achieves some success and greatly benefits from Kalyan Ram's exceptional performance. Aashika, Brahmaji, and other characters' roles were appropriate. The film's promise to deliver a mind-blowing plot was great, but it wasn't completely achieved. In short Michael, Manju, and Sidhu are three friends (friends) in the film. Kalyan Ram plays all three roles. Although there is no chemistry between Ishika and Sidhu. The first half of the movie is merely ok, but the second is fantastic. This makes Amigos a fantastic movie to watch this weekend.
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