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Angular Material Toolbar and ToolTip

The <mat-toolbar> is an Angular Directive used to create a toolbar to show the title, header, or any button action of buttons.

<mat-toolbar>: It represents the main container.

<mat-toolbar-row>: It adds a new row at the toolbar.

Example of ToolBar:

Modified descriptor app.module.ts.

Content of modified CSS fileapp.component.css.

Modified HTML host fileapp.component.html.


Angular Material Toolbar and ToolTip


First, we have created a toolbar with complete page. Then the labels are added.

Angular Material Tooltip

The Angular Material tooltip provides a text label which is displayed when the user hovered over or pressed for long time any button or element.




Angular Material Toolbar and ToolTip


The tooltip will be displayed below the element but configured by using matTooltipPosition input. The tooltip displays above, below, left, or right of the component.

The status will be down by default. If the tooltip is in switch left / right positions in the RTL layout direction, then the before and after positions are used instead of left and right.

Position Description
above It displays above the element
below It shows below the element
left Display left to the element
right Display right to the element
before Display in the left in left-to-right layout and the right in right-to-left layout
after Display right in left-to-right layout and to left in right-to-left layout





Angular Material Toolbar and ToolTip

Showing and hiding

By default, the tooltip will be shown immediately when the user's mouse hovers over the tooltip's trigger element and hides when the user exits the mouse.

You can use the inputs matTooltipShowDelay and matTooltipHideDelay to provide a delay in seconds to add a delay before showing or hiding the tooltip.





Angular Material Toolbar and ToolTip

Changing the default delay behaviour

You can configure / delay your application's tooltip default show using MAT_TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_OPTIONS injection tokens and provide your options.




Angular Material Toolbar and ToolTip

Manually calling the show () and hide ()

You can show and hide directing methods to call the tooltip to show or hide tooltip, which accept a number in milliseconds to delay before changing the display.





Angular Material Toolbar and ToolTip

Disabling the tooltip from showing

Set matTooltipDisabled to disable a tooltip. When it was disabled, it will never show again.


It provides the information needed to read the tooltip's content when the end-user focuses on the element that triggered the tooltip.

The element referenced by aria -by is not just a tooltip but an invisible copy of the tooltip that is present in the DOM.

If the tooltip is only shown manually through clicks, funnels, etc., should be taken to do similar actions for screen-reader users.

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