Apache Ant EAR Task

Ant EAR is an extension of the JAR task and have different treatment for the files. EAR is refer to Enterprise Application Archive and used to archive enterprise applications. The attributes of this task are given below.

Apache Ant EAR Task Attributes

destfileThe EAR file to create.Yes
appxmlThe deployment descriptor file.Yes
basedirThe directory from which to jar the files.No
compressCompress and store data.No
keepcompressionKeep the compression as it has been originally compressed.No
encodingThe encoding to use for filename inside the archive file.No
filesonlyStore only file entries.No
includesList of files which need to be included.No
includesfileEach line of this file is taken to be an include pattern.No
excludesList of files which need to be excluded.No
excludesfileEach line of this file is taken to be an exclude pattern.No
defaultexcludesDefault excludes should be used or not.No
manifestThe manifest file to use.No
whenmanifestonlybehavior when no files match. Valid values are fail, skip, and create.No
manifestencodingThe encoding used to read the JAR manifest, when a manifest file is specified.No
indexwhether to create an index list to speed up classloading or not.No
updateIt indicates whether to update the destination file or not.No
duplicateActs when a duplicate file is found. Valid values are add, preserve, and fail.No

Apache Ant EAR Example

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