Attribute | Description | Required |
destfile | The EAR file to create. | Yes |
appxml | The deployment descriptor file. | Yes |
basedir | The directory from which to jar the files. | No |
compress | Compress and store data. | No |
keepcompression | Keep the compression as it has been originally compressed. | No |
encoding | The encoding to use for filename inside the archive file. | No |
filesonly | Store only file entries. | No |
includes | List of files which need to be included. | No |
includesfile | Each line of this file is taken to be an include pattern. | No |
excludes | List of files which need to be excluded. | No |
excludesfile | Each line of this file is taken to be an exclude pattern. | No |
defaultexcludes | Default excludes should be used or not. | No |
manifest | The manifest file to use. | No |
whenmanifestonly | behavior when no files match. Valid values are fail, skip, and create. | No |
manifestencoding | The encoding used to read the JAR manifest, when a manifest file is specified. | No |
index | whether to create an index list to speed up classloading or not. | No |
update | It indicates whether to update the destination file or not. | No |
duplicate | Acts when a duplicate file is found. Valid values are add, preserve, and fail. | No |