Architecture of Cloud Computing

Instead of using the computer's hard drive or a local server, cloud computing refers to storing and accessing data and programs on distant servers hosted on the Internet. Cloud computing, often known as Internet-based computing, is a technique in which the resource is made available to the user as a service over the Internet. Any storable document can store data, including files, photos, and papers.

The following are some tasks that can be completed with cloud computing:

Data storage, backup, and recovery
On-demand software delivery
creation of new services and apps
audio and video streaming

With the Internet and often a service provider, cloud computing is a technology that enables users to access and use computing resources (such as servers, storage, databases, networking, software, and more) remotely. It provides scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency and has established itself as the foundation of modern IT infrastructure.

The components and supporting elements needed for cloud computing are called the cloud computing architecture.

These components typically refer to:

  • Front end (fat client, thin client)
  • Backend platforms (servers, storage)
  • Cloud-based delivery and a network (Internet, Intranet, Intercloud)
Architecture of Cloud Computing

Front end(fat client, thin client):

The front end is a notion in cloud computing architecture that refers to how customers and users interact with cloud services. The front end has two basic categories: "Fat Client" and "Thin Client." These words describe several methods for managing cloud computing systems' processing power and user interface.

Fat Client (Thick Client):

A client-side program known as a "fat client" has significant processing and computational capacity installed on the user's (client device) device. Typically, it depends more on the capabilities of the local device and less on cloud resources.

The user interface of fat clients is frequently robust and feature-rich, and a sizable percentage of the application functionality is typically executed locally.

Traditional desktop programs, computer or console games, and some mobile applications that carry out sophisticated computations locally are all examples of fat clients.

Traditional desktop programs, computer or console games, and some mobile applications that carry out sophisticated computations locally are all examples of fat clients.

Fat clients can work offline because they have their processing power and may not need a constant internet connection to operate.

While fat clients offer a rich user experience and can operate independently of the cloud, they might call for additional client-side upkeep and updates.

Thin Client (Slim Client or Web Client):

A client-side application heavily utilizing cloud resources and services is known as a thin client. It often needs more local software installed and limited processing power.

Thin clients frequently transmit their user interface and application logic via a web browser or a lightweight program. On distant cloud servers, most processing and data storage occurs.

There must always be an active internet connection for thin clients to access and use cloud services

Examples of thin clients are web-based email clients, online office suites (like Google Docs), web-based project management applications, and cloud-based video conferencing systems.

Thin clients have benefits, including simple scaling, automatic upgrades, and service access from various internet-connected devices.

Backend platforms (servers, storage)

Backend alludes to the cloud that the service provider uses. It maintains the resources, provides security measures, and contains the resources. Huge storage, virtual computers, applications, traffic management systems, deployment methods, etc., are also included.

The backend platforms are the elements in the cloud computing architecture that deliver and manage the infrastructure, storage, and computing resources required to enable the cloud services and applications. Delivering scalable, dependable, and effective cloud solutions depends on these platforms.

The following are the main elements of backend platforms:


The backend platform's servers supply the computational power required to run cloud apps and services. These servers may be virtual machines (VMs) hosted in data centres or actual physical equipment.

They put the cloud services into use for users by running the software code, responding to user queries, and carrying out various calculations.

To maintain high availability and best performance, inbound requests are frequently split across several servers using load balancing techniques.

Networking Infrastructure:

The networking infrastructure that links servers, storage, and other components is part of the backend platform. Within the cloud environment, this infrastructure supports effective data and communication flow.

To maximize content delivery and lower latency, networking infrastructure includes routers, switches, load balancers, firewalls, and content delivery networks (CDNs).

Data Centers:

Servers and networking hardware are kept in data centres where cloud services are physically operated. Cloud providers frequently operate many data centres spread across various geographical areas to maintain redundancy and high availability.

Data centres are built with redundant power sources, cooling systems, and physical security measures for reliability, security, and energy efficiency.

Virtualization and containerization are two technologies that are extremely important to the backend platform. They enable effective computational resource allocation, task segregation, and resource scaling up and down as required.

Common solutions include virtual machines (VMs) and containers (such as Docker) to accomplish resource separation and flexibility.

Tools for orchestration and management:

Cloud resource deployment, scaling, and management can be automated with orchestration tools like Kubernetes, management platforms like OpenStack, or vendor-specific solutions.

These devices simplify processes and guarantee resource effectiveness.

Security precautions:

A significant priority on the backend platform is security. To safeguard data and infrastructure against threats, precautions such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), encryption, access controls, and frequent security audits are put in place.

Elasticity and Scalability:

The backend infrastructure is made scalable, enabling resources to be dynamically added or deleted in response to demand changes. This elasticity ensures that cloud services can effectively manage a range of workloads.

Monitoring and Logging:

The backend platform must have tools for tracking resource utilization, performance, and system health. These technologies enable preventive maintenance and problem-solving while offering insights into the condition of the cloud environment.

Servers, storage systems, networking infrastructure, data centres, virtualization/containerization technologies, administration tools, security controls, and scalability mechanisms comprise the backend platform in cloud computing architecture. These elements enable consumers and applicants to receive dependable and scalable cloud services.

Cloud-based delivery and a network (Internet, Intranet, Intercloud):

The term "cloud-based delivery and networking" in the context of cloud computing architecture refers to both the access and delivery of cloud services to users and applications and the underlying networks that make this connectivity possible. Cloud-based networking and delivery involve a range of elements and possibilities, such as the Internet, intranets, and the idea of the Intercloud:


Users can access cloud services from almost anywhere with internet connectivity thanks to the Internet, a worldwide network of interconnected computers and servers.

Usually, users can access cloud services housed on public cloud platforms using the open Internet. Users can access these services through web browsers, smartphone apps, or other internet-connected devices.

Wide accessibility is a feature of internet-based cloud delivery; however, security precautions like encryption and authentication may be necessary to safeguard data sent over public networks.


An intranet is a private network that employees use to share information and resources, generally through Internet technologies.

Some businesses create private clouds inside their intranets to offer cloud services only to their stakeholders or workers. This strategy provides greater security and control over data and resources.

For security or compliance reasons, intranet-based cloud delivery is appropriate when data must be maintained inside the organization's network.


"Intercloud" describes the concept of many cloud service providers or suppliers collaborating to produce a seamless and linked cloud environment.

Data and apps can travel between various cloud platforms thanks to intercloud technology. It encourages task portability and interoperability between clouds.

This idea is especially important for businesses that wish to increase redundancy, minimize vendor lock-in, and use different cloud providers' strengths.

VPN: Virtual Private Network

VPN technology is frequently utilised to create safe and secure connections between users and cloud resources over open networks like the utilised

VPNs make data transmission across a secure tunnel possible, making it harder for outsiders to intercept or access data in motion.

They are frequently utilized to guarantee the security and privacy of data sent between customers and cloud services.

Networks for delivering content (CDNs):

Distributed networks of servers with different geographic locations make up CDNs. They are utilised to enhance the functionality and distribution of web content, including media and applications hosted in the cloud.

Content delivery networks (CDNs) cache content closer to end consumers, lowering latency. They are especially helpful for services that need high availability and minimal latency.

The architecture of cloud computing combines EDA (Event Driven Architecture) and SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). The components of a cloud computing architecture include client infrastructure, applications, services, runtime clouds, storage, infrastructure, management, and security.

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