Difference between ASP and ASP.NET

This article will learn the differences between the ASP and ASP.NET in detail.

Difference between ASP and ASP.NET

What do you mean by ASP?

ASP stands for Active Server Pages. It is a framework to develop web pages. Microsoft introduced ASP as the first server-side scripting language in 1998 that was used for executing scripts with extension .asp on a web server. ASP is not a language. Rather it is a technology.

What do you mean by ASP.NET?

ASP.NET came as a successor to ASP in 2002. A typical ASP.NET application includes files (web.config) and global file (.asax), Code behind file (.aspx.vb), is written in .aspx file, which code-behind code for a web page is written in a separate class file, .aspx.vb. It is used to separate the user interface display from the UI processing. Web.config is a text file used to store application-level settings required for state management, security, etc. Global file is an optional file containing application-level events such as Application_Init, Application_Start, Application_BeginRequest, Application_EndRequest, Application_AuthenticationRequest, Application_Error, Session_Start, Session_End etc.

Following are the head to head differences between the ASP and ASP.NET in detail.

1. Object-Oriented ProgrammingASP does not support object-oriented programming.ASP.NET supports object-oriented programming.
2. PurposeThe server-side scripting engine is also known as a scripting language. Code is written using VB script and HTML for developing web applications.It supports many programming languages like VB, C#, Python and many more for developing web applications.
3. File ExtensionASP Pages have the file extension .asp.ASP.NET Pages have the file extension .aspx.
4. InheritanceASP does not support the concept of inheritance.ASP.NET inherit the class written in code behind.
5. Compilation/ InterpretationASP has interpreted language.ASP.NET is Compiled and Interpreted language.
6. DebuggingASP debugging is difficult as ASP scripts are interpreted.In ASP.NET debugging is relatively easy.
7. ValidationASP does not have the built-in facility of validation.ASP.NET provides built-in validation and controls.
8. Exception HandlingIn ASP, exception handling is very poor.ASP.NET supports the concept of exception handling.
9. ExecutionASP works on IIS.ASP.NET works on non-Microsoft platforms also. Cassini, a Microsoft web server, can be integrated with Apache.
10. XML ( Extensible Mark Up Language)ASP does not support XML.ASP.NET support XML.
11. ADO ( Active X Database objects)ADO is a simple COM object and has fewer features.ADO.NET provides full support to get data from multiple data sources through numerous built-in classes.
12. Code BehindASP does not support code-behind.ASP.NET supports and separates HTML code and .NET language code.
13. ConfigurableASP does not support configurable files.ASP.NET support configurable file. I.e. it uses a web.config file.
14. Custom ControllerASP does not have a provision for custom controls.ASP.NET support @register directive to create custom controls

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