Asynchronous Definition | What is Asynchronous

In general, asynchronous is a Greek word, which is made up of two words; "asyn," meaning "not with," and "Chronos," meaning "time". It means asynchronous defines those objects or events that are not synced or coordinated with time. The asynchronous word is used in different fields with different aspects, but the general meaning always remains the same. In this topic, we will understand the asynchronous definition and the various fields in which this term is being used.

What is Asynchronous?

  • The term Asynchronous means not occurring or happening at the same time. It is the opposite of synchronous, which means the events which are occurring at the same time.
  • It defines the relationship between two or more objects that interact with each other within the same environment or system, but at different time phases or time instant, and also does not affect each other such as Offline Learning. In offline learning, the same content is available for all the candidates, but each candidate takes the sessions at any random time that does not match with other candidates.
  • We can also understand it with a simple example of an email, as in this, people respond as per their convenience; hence it is an asynchronous event.

Usage of Asynchronous in different fields

Asynchronous is a very broad term that is used in different fields and has various applications. Some common fields are given below:

  • Asynchronous in Programming
    In computer programming, it is used as an asynchronous process. The asynchronous process defines a process that is operated independently with other processes. In computer programming, some languages such as Python, JavaScript, and C#, also use asynchronous methods, which are also known as the nonblocking code. With these methods, languages allow the programs to continue running other code rather waiting for the other running task to be completed. With this, those tasks that take a long-time duration to be processed run in the background, while other processes continue to execute.
  • Asynchronous in Telecommunication
    The asynchronous has great importance in telecommunication. In communication, it is important to have a clear transmission using communication devices such as radio or telephone, which need that both the ends user must be in phase with each other, and which is the synchronized transmission.
    But the asynchronous transmission is also used in communication. Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is a data communication protocol used in telecommunications to allow the asynchronous transmission of data without need of signals to pass through a mainframe or centralized clock.
  • Asynchronous in Electrical
    The asynchronous term is used in Electrical in the form of Asynchronous machine, Asynchronous electrical machine, or asynchronous motor.
    • Asynchronous electric machine: In such electric machines, the magnetic field and the rotation are not the same.
    • Asynchronous machines: These machines do not operate at synchronous speed, which means their speed varies with the load.
    • Asynchronous motor: It is an AC motor whose speed decreases with increasing torque.
  • Asynchronous in Digital World
    The asynchronous term is also used in the digital world. The main use is synchronous and asynchronous learning.
    Asynchronous learning is opposite to synchronous learning. It means it takes place at different times, and hence the instructor, the learner, and other participants are not engaged in the learning process simultaneously. There is no real-time interaction with other people.
    We can understand it with an example of corporate training, which is about providing online content with pre-recorded videos or publishing an on-demand online exam.

The benefits of asynchronous learning

  • Each candidate can learn on their own time and schedule.
  • It needs less work for trainers as well as HR managers.
  • It also automates the same tasks and decreases repetitive work, such as giving online classes and grading exams.
  • Employees and customers take less time in a classroom during work hours.

Difference Between Synchronous and Asynchronous

As discussed in the above section, the term asynchronous can be used in various fields such as Communication, Programming, Electrical field, etc. All these fields also contain synchronous methods as well, and it is because synchronous and asynchronous methods are used as contrary to each other. Let's understand the difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous based on different fields:

CommunicationSynchronous communication occurs when the sender and receiver share a common clock pulse; hence synchronization is required.In asynchronous communication, both sender and receiver have their internal clock; hence no synchronization is required.
The data is sent from one end to another in the form of frames or blocks.The data is sent from one end to another in the form of a byte of characters.
Computer ProgrammingIn this, the process or task is blocked when another process is being executed.In this, the two processes can be executed simultaneously without blocking.
LearningIn Synchronous learning, all the participants should be present at the scheduled time for the meetings or lecture; else they miss the lecture.In asynchronous learning, all the participants can access the learning material at any time.
It contains live lectures or sessions.It contains the recorded lectures and sessions.
Sequential CircuitIn a Synchronous sequential circuit, the device's state is changed at the discrete-time as per the clock signal.In the asynchronous sequential circuit, the state of the device can change at any time irrespective of the clock signal.
Electric MotorIn a synchronous motor, the rotor speed and speed of the stator magnetic field is the same.In an asynchronous motor, the rotor rotates at speed less than the synchronous speed.

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