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AutoCAD Taper Face and Slice

Taper Face

The Taper Face in AutoCAD is used to taper the face of a 3D solid at a specified angle.

Taper angles are:

Let's understand with an example.

Consider the below object:

AutoCAD Taper Face and Slice

The steps are listed below:

1. Select Taper Faces icon from the ribbon panel, under Edit section, as shown below:

AutoCAD Taper Face and Slice


Type SOLIDEDIT on the command line < press Enter < Type Face <press Enter < Select Taper.

2. Select faces. Here, we have selected the top face, as shown below:

AutoCAD Taper Face and Slice

3. Specify the base point and another point along the axis of tapering, as shown below:

AutoCAD Taper Face and Slice

4. Specify the taper Angle. Here, we have specified value = -10.

5. Press Enter.

The figure will now appear as:

AutoCAD Taper Face and Slice


The slice command in AutoCAD 3D is used to slice or divide the object through the specified cutting plane.

Two or three points can specify the cutting plane.

Consider the below image:

Let's understand with an example.

The steps are listed below:

AutoCAD Taper Face and Slice

Let's understand with an example.

The steps are listed below:

1. Type SLICE on the command line.

2. Press Enter.

3. Select the full object to slice.

Here, we have first combined the full object using UNION.

4. Press Enter.

5. Specify start point and second point of the slicing plane.

6. Specify other point on the desired side of the plane. The other side will be sliced.

The points are shown below:

AutoCAD Taper Face and Slice

7. The object will now appear as:

AutoCAD Taper Face and Slice

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