Best First Search Algorithm in Artificial Intelligence

Definition of Best First Search Algorithm

BFS stands for Best First Search, which is a type of Search in the context of artificial intelligence that aims to choose the best paths toward the target path by evaluating the nodes using a pre-stipulated evaluation function. This algorithm takes the best features of the DFS and BFS strategies to perform an efficient search in a search space. Heuristic information assists the BFS algorithm in choosing the next appropriate node for expansion so as to minimize the overall Search and potential to get closer to the goal state.

The evaluation function, normally used as a heuristic function, measures the cost of steps needed to reach the goal from the current node. Using an example, in Greedy Best-First Search such as A*, the algorithm preferentially opens nodes with the least estimated cost and swiftly moves towards the goal node. In contrast, the A* Search algorithm considers two factors: the cost of the path and the estimated cost to reach the goal, making it even more effective in the selection of the most suitable path. BFS can originate from any node and expand in all directions at once; this is especially advantageous when searching over a large area and the goal is not easily recognizable.

This is widely utilized in search strategies for pathfinding problems, solving puzzles, and all intelligent applications that demand quick and optimal decisions. Still, BFS is quite powerful in practice, but its success greatly depends on the quality of the heuristic function applied, which defines the algorithm's outcome and precision.

Overview of search algorithms

  • Breadth-First Search (BFS):
    BFS, on the other hand, looks at all nodes at the current level before jumping to the next level of nodes. For the order in which the nodes represented by candidate structures are visited, a queue is implemented so that each level of the search tree is complete in an exhaustive search. It is based on BFS and guarantees the identification of the shortest path if the graph is unweighted, although due to the fact that it involves the storage of a large number of nodes, it may be memory-consumptive.
  • Uniform Cost Search (UCS):
    UCS, also referred to as Dijkstra's algorithm, relativizes the nodes according to the most economical route. It is similar to BFS, but while constructing the graph, the costs of the path are taken into account, which is suitable for the weighted graph. UCS ensures that the optimum path is found; however, if the costs are flexible, the method may take longer to find the path.
  • Greedy Best-First Search:
    This informed search algorithm chooses the nodes, taking into consideration the goal's cost estimate. It favors those nodes that look like they are closest to the goal, but it does not always guarantee an optimal solution. It is useful when a good heuristic is found, meaning that we do not always have to solve the problem from scratch.
  • A Search*:
    A* integrates UCS and GBFS; it uses not only the path cost from the start node but also the heuristic representing the estimated cost from the current node to the goal node. This strategy guarantees the best and full solutions if only the heuristics are admissible; that is, they need to overestimate the actual cost of a solution.
  • Iterative Deepening Search (IDS):
    DFS and BFS are combined to use the features of both algorithms. IDS searches are done several times, with the maximum depth of the search restricted at one level, gradually increasing the depth limit. It finds the shortest path but requires less memory than BFS, while its time complexity is more significant because of the backtracking.
  • Bidirectional Search:
    This algorithm carries out two searches at once: one beginning at the start node and another from the goal node, and then they intersect. It can drastically lower the search space and time, but it requires the start and goal states and proper management of intermediate states.

Basic Terminology

State Space

  • State space is among the critical concepts in search algorithms and problem-solving. It depicts all the distinct possible statuses or conditions that can be arrived at from the initial status of a problem. In state space, each state is defined by a set of variables and a set of states is related to a particular configuration of the system under investigation. In contrast, the interconnection between states describes possible actions or operations.
  • On this basis the state space can also be mapped as a tree or a graph where nodes are states and edges are transitions or moves from one state to another. The search for solutions to problems, like a maze, a puzzle, or proper logistics space, is important for getting the overview of the problem's state space.

Nodes and Edges

  • Nodes/vertices and edges are the base structures of graphs, which are, in turn, employed to illustrate state spaces of search procedures. A node or vertex refers to the state or configuration of the problem in the state space. The arcs or the edges joining two nodes signify the movement from one state to the other, to put it more appropriately. Directed graphs are very similar to simple graphs, with the only difference being that the edges are also associated with the direction that depicts the relation between the states.
  • In undirected graphs, the edges that join the nodes are not directional, hence showing a two-way connection between the nodes. This also looks into the fact that the nature of nodes and edges in graphs helps in the modelling of a number of problems concerning paths, flows, and dependencies. Indeed, knowledge of the relationships of the nodes or transitions between them serves as a foundation for the formation of the search strategy and algorithm.

Path Cost

  • The cost associated with the path is an essential component in search algorithms, particularly when discovering the most efficient solutions. It stands for the total cost incurred through a move from one state to another in the state space from the start state to the goal state. Every arc in the graph may have a cost, versatile to distance, time, or whichever key feature concerning the problem.
  • The sum of the costs of all edges making up the total path is referred to as the total path cost. Such algorithms as UCS (Uniform Cost Search), A* Search, etc., require that the cost of a path from the start node to a goal node should be minimized. These algorithms utilize path cost to control the search process to ascertain that the solution obtained is actually a solution and also the best solution in regard to a certain metric.

Algorithm Steps

An algorithm is a predefined set of rules that are applied in performing multiplication and other mathematical computations and for solving any problem involving a category of objects. Algorithm control flow effective constituent parts are usually to solve some problem, which commonly involves input, computation, and output. Here are the basic steps involved in an algorithm:

Overview of search algorithms

  • Problem Definition
    It is first important to identify the algorithm's purpose and the problem it is aimed at solving. This involves identifying the specification needs, limitations and goals of a business entity. This eliminates the chances of the algorithm being all over the place and increases the chances of its being efficient due to a clearly defined problem.
  • Input Specification
    Secondly, it determines the inputs needed for the algorithm. An input is the data that will be fed into the algorithm for processing. Therefore, it should be well-defined in regard to the type, format, and range. Data input specification helps the algorithm process the data received by the computer correctly.
  • Initial Setup
    However, sometimes, there is a preliminary step, often referred to as pre-processing, before the actual processing is done. This could entail entering the values of the first instances of variables, creating or organizing the data to be stored in data structures or making preliminary computations.
  • Main Processing
    This is the integrant step where data calculation or transformation occurs in the sequence. The algorithm takes the input data and processes it in various operations to give the desired output. Depending on the task at hand, this step may take the form of loops, conditionals, or any other operation as the need may warrant.
  • Output Specification
    Results are obtained from the processed algorithm as outputs. These are the quantities or figures computed by the algorithm. The format and type of output to be generated should be clearly stated for unbiased tests. It should be useful and meaningful in the problem under consideration.
  • Termination
    Every algorithm must have a basis for termination, telling the algorithm when the process should come to an end. This can be after the specified number of rounds, when a certain state is attained or when the result is as required.
  • Validation and Testing
    After the algorithm is written, it must be checked to verify that it works and establish a performance baseline. This is done by executing the algorithm on a set of test cases and comparing the results with the expected results on those test cases.

Types of Best First Search

Greedy Best First Search

Greedy Best First Search is a search algorithm that always focuses on the best possible node to use as the next step. It relies on a heuristic function, h(n), to approximate the cost of the remaining distance from the current node n to the goal. The algorithm attempts to complete its search with the shortest heuristic cost on the nodes, effectively seeking to reach the goal.



  • Begin with the first node that you have chosen, which is also the only node we have.
  • Please enter the first node into the priority queue by the amount of its estimated heuristic function h(n).

Expand the most promising node:

  • The marked node with the lowest value - this node must be removed
  • The next available processor takes an h(n) from the priority queue.
  • If this node is the goal, then print the path at this node, and the search is done.

Generate successors:

  • Produce all possible successors (the cellular neighbours) of the current node.

Evaluate and add successors:

  • Determine a heuristic value h for each of the successors.
  • The successors are added to the priority queue according to their h values.


  • Perform steps 2 to 4 as many times as could be possible until either a goal node is discovered or until the priority queue is exhausted and no nodes can be retrieved from it.


Let us assume you are lost in a maze and have 'options' or 'choices' to make. In Greedy Best First Search, the algorithm will always tend to move towards the direction that seems to be closer to the exit utilizing an estimation or a heuristic function, but it will reach dead-weight situations; that is, it will be stuck in dead ends because it will not consider the actual cost of the path taken in its search.

A* Search

Depending on the required path and situation, A* Search is slightly better than the Greedy Best First Search and slightly worse than Dijkstra's Algorithm. It uses two functions: A*-algorithm to use g(n) as the actual cost from the start node to the current node n, and h(n) as the estimated cost from n to the goal. Thus, the total cost function f(n)=g(n)+h(n) is used to select which node to expand next, simultaneously providing optimal and efficient search.



  • The strategy being employed here is to begin with the first node.
  • The first node, the source node, has its g value initially set to 0, meaning that 0 costs were incurred to get to it.
  • At the required end node, find f=g+h and add the initial node to the priority queue.

Expand the lowest-cost node:

  • Select the node with the least cost in the number of steps f(n) and delete it from the priority queue.
  • If this node is the goal, initiate to construct and return the path to this node and then break the loop.

Generate successors:

  • Produce all possible successors of the given node.

Evaluate costs for successors (For each successor):

  • Get the tentative g value as g(current) + cost(current, successor).
  • This last part is done by mathematically summarizing the values of g and h of the successor node as f = g(successor) + h(successor).
  • If the successor is not in the priority queue and the new g value is less than the recorded g value, then extend the priority queue with the new f value and record this path.


  • If the priority queue is not empty, go back to steps 2 to 4 to identify the goal node.


In performing the same maze scenario as above, A* Search finds the direction that appears to be nearest to the exit, similar to the Greedy Best First Search, but in addition, the number of steps that have already been made. This way, if a longer and more tortuous path is indicated in the cartography as less favourable, but in reality, it is shorter, it will be examined.


  • Reduction in Human Error
    AI systems help to lessen mistakes in comparison with people, which results in higher efficiency and accuracy of the obtained outcome. Such distinction is highly useful in careers such as medicine and engineering.
  • Risk-Taking:
    AI can be used where there is a danger that endangers individuals' lives, thus reducing incidents. This includes activities in risky areas, extraterrestrial travel, and managing disasters such as floods.
  • Efficiency and Productivity:
    Most routine and often monotonous tasks can be effectively completed by AI systems, allowing people to spend more time doing more creative work.
  • Enhanced Decision Making:
    AI can analyze immense amounts of data in a short period and help in improving decision-making in many fields.
  • Personalization and Customer Experience:
    Therefore, AI can always help design and recommend the solution that best suits the customers' needs, thus enhancing their level of satisfaction.


  • Reduces Employment:
    Self-automation by AI systems is likely to cause unemployment because it substitutes human efforts at work through computerized systems especially where work is routine-based.
  • Lacks Creative Ability:
    We also gave the impression that while AI systems are good in that they are efficient, they cannot/cannot think creatively or out of the box like a human can.
  • Absence of Emotional Range:
    AI cannot replace people because it is unable to demonstrate proportionate sensitivity, which is very important in areas such as healthcare and customer relationships.
  • Ethical Dilemmas:
    Some of the principal ethical questions regarding the application of AI are as follows: lesson, privacy, accountability for decision-making, and discrimination within the AI models.
  • High Costs:
    AI creation, integration, and management may also prove costly, thus restricting its application mostly to large organizations.

Applications of Best First Search

  • Pathfinding in Games:
    BFS algorithms are frequently employed in video games to find how a character or an object can reach its goal from the starting point without colliding with any other object in the fastest manner. A* search is favoured for its efficiency and the level of the searched result accuracy.
  • Robotics:
    In robotics, BFS algorithms are useful for applying movement in the presence of navigation. These algorithms help the robots look for the best paths in real-time as they move and perform duties.
  • Network Routing:
    Nowadays, BFS algorithms are employed in network routing, enabling data packets to pass through the network with ease. This ensures that almost all network resources are directly proportional to delayed timings.
  • Artificial Intelligence:
    BFS algorithms are very important to AI when it comes to providing solutions to difficult issues like NL, ML, and decision-making solutions. They support AI systems in assessing different options and deciding which option to take.
  • Navigation Systems:
    Navigation systems, including GPS, use BFS algorithms to determine the shortest and quickest means of traveling. The algorithms' efficiency in calculating and generating preferable routes in a short span of time, especially when viewing large volumes of traffic data, benefits this application.

Unique Features in the Best First Search Algorithm

  • Heuristic Evaluation Function:
    BFS always has an order of visiting nodes determined by a heuristic evaluation function. This function calculates the cost required from the starting node to the goal node, thus increasing the algorithm's efficiency by identifying the most prospecting moves.
  • Priority Queue:
    The nodes to be explored are stored in the prioritized queue in BFS. The paths that correspond to nodes that are defined as the farthest from the heuristic costs' start point are given high preference, giving the algorithm a better chance of pursuing the best paths first.
  • Generality:
    The BFS algorithm is indeed rather general and can be used for further needs with specific alterations. Due to the changes in heuristic function, the BFS can be converted to another, such as the A* Search, and thus helpful in solving different forms of search problems.
  • Informed Search:
    While the searched paths, in this case, are generated randomly without any information on the costs to the target, BFS is an informed search algorithm. Heuristics help to control the direction of the search, thus making it more effective in arriving at the best search path.


The Best First Search (BFS) algorithm is a critical component of artificial intelligence used to search for efficient solutions in large spaces with the help of heuristic evaluation functions. Thus, due to the focus on such nodes that are the most successful, BFS incorporates both breadth-first and depth-first Search, which makes it diversified and optimal. It should be noted that this algorithm can be refined for path-identifying and optimal problems based on the choice of the heuristic function. Altogether, owing to informed search and application flexibility, BFS is one of the best methods for solving multifarious AI issues.

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