Checking for the Mirror Images in the Binary Trees

Checking mirror images in the binary tree tends to be an interesting problem that emerges in various applications such as computer graphics, data analysis, and algorithm design. This involves that we have to compare the structure and values of the two binary trees to verify or check whether or not they are mirror images of each other.

In this article, we will explore several different approaches to make sure that two binary trees are mirror images of each other. We will also discuss various techniques that can be easily used to traverse and compare the trees efficiently. To check if the two trees are mirror images of each other, we can simply perform tree traversal methods and different techniques as well.

There are some advantages and disadvantages as well for the mirror binary trees; they are: -

  1. The main advantage is that this tree exhibits symmetry, and it stays in the same shape throughout.
  2. Another advantage of binary trees is that they can be constructed very easily and efficiently.
  3. One disadvantage of the tree is that it increases memory usage.
  4. Another disadvantage can be that when we insert or delete any node, maintaining order can lead to imbalance.

When we talk about mirror trees, we have to get a binary tree that replicates one another. For this, we have to consider two binary trees, check if they are mirror images of each other, and return the true or false value accordingly.



Checking for the Mirror Images in the Binary Trees

A step-by-step explanation of the code

  1. We begin by including the necessary header files to access the standard library files and data structures.
  2. In the next step of the code, we begin by defining a structure called 'Node,' which represents a node in the binary tree with the following members: data and a pointer to the left and right node.
  3. Next, we create the 'areMirror' function to define whether the two trees are mirror images of each other.
  4. The function begins with both the cases that if both a and b are NULL, it signifies that they are both mirror images of each other, and the function will return the actual value.
  5. If neither of them is NULL, we compare their value, and if their values are not equal, then we say that the tree does not mirror images of each other and returns false.
  6. Now the program's primary function is executed, and when it returns 0, it signifies the successful execution of the program.

Example 2)


Checking for the Mirror Images in the Binary Trees

A step-by-step explanation of the code

  1. The code begins by declaring two significant classes, 'Node' and 'Binary tree'.
  2. The 'binary tree' contains the program's main logic, implying two variables, 'a' and 'b', representing two binary trees to be checked.
  3. In the next step of the code, we begin by defining a structure called 'Node,' which represents a node in the binary tree with the following members: data and a pointer to the left and right node.
  4. Next, we create the 'areMirror' function to define whether the two trees are mirror images of each other.
  5. The function begins with both the cases that if both a and b are NULL, it signifies that they are both mirror images of each other, and the function will return the actual value.
  6. If neither of them is NULL, we compare their value, and if their values are not equal, then we say that the tree does not mirror images of each other and returns false.
  7. Now the program's primary function is executed, and when it returns 0, it signifies successful execution of the program.


In conclusion, checking mirror images in a binary tree is a significant problem. It requires a recursive approach, such as a depth-first traversal algorithm which basically compares the nodes in the left and right subtrees at each level.