Com MySQL CJ JDBC Driver

The Com MySQL CJ JDBC Driver is a MySQL Connector/J Java Database Application driver provided by Oracle that is used to connect Java applications to MySQL databases. MySQL CJ JDBC Driver is open source, which means anyone can use it for free without paying money. Many operating systems, such as macOS, Windows, and others, support this driver.

MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver is a programming interface that you can use to connect Java applications to MySQL databases. It is an interface between a Java application and a database that allows the application and the database to communicate with each other using SQL. It provides various classes and methods that developers can use to carry out database operations, like executing SQL queries for inserting data, updating data, or deleting data.

MySQL Connector/J provides secure connections between the Java application and the MySQL database with the help of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. It is created in such a way that it can support different Java versions. You can easily download and install MySQL Connector/J to your computer.

How to Download and Install MySQL Connector/J?

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is go to the official MySQL website and find the Connector/J download page. The page will look like you can see below:

Com MySQL CJ JDBC Driver

Step 2: On the Connector/J download page, you will see an option to select the operating system version. Choose the "Platform Independent" option, then choose the TAR or ZIP file to download. After that, press the download button to download the MySQL Connector/J.

Com MySQL CJ JDBC Driver

Step 3: The downloaded file will be either TAR or ZIP, so the next step is to extract the package.

Step 4: Now, you have to set the CLASSPATH to access the MySQL driver. To set the CLASSPATH, copy the path where the JAR file is placed in your system. The path will look like you can see below.

Com MySQL CJ JDBC Driver

Step 6: After copying the path, right-click on "This PC" on the Windows operating system, then click on "Properties".

Com MySQL CJ JDBC Driver

Step 7: As you can see below, there are various options available. Click on "Advanced system settings".

Com MySQL CJ JDBC Driver

The "System Properties" dialog box will appear as shown below.

Com MySQL CJ JDBC Driver

Step 8: Now, click on "Environment Variables". A dialog box of "Environment Variables" will open, as shown below.

Com MySQL CJ JDBC Driver

Step 9: Now, create a variable called "CLASSPATH". Click on "New". After that, as shown below, write the variable name, which is CLASSPATH, and the variable value, which is the path you copied in step 5, then press OK. Now, the CLASSPATH has been set.

Com MySQL CJ JDBC Driver

Step 10: Add the Connector/J to your Java project and use it to communicate with the MySQL database.


In this article, you have learned about Com MySQL CJ JDBC Driver, which is used to connect Java applications with the MySQL database. You have comprehended how to download and install MySQL Connector/J in your system.

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