Constuction line in SolidWorks

We will become familiar with SolidWorks' sketching tools in this chapter. The Line tool, the Center Line tool, the Rectangle tool, the Polygon tool, splines, producing text, and much more will be the centre of our attention.

Let's get going right now. In this chapter, we'll learn about the Sketch tools, and in this particular video, we'll learn about the Line and Center Line commands. Let's move forward and leap up here and grab that Line command before I begin a sketch right here on the front plane.

You may activate the Line command by pressing the letter L on the keyboard. There are a few other lines we can draw in that small twirl down or that will drop down next to it, as you can see, we also have a centre line and a halfway line. But let's only choose the command on the first line. Although we have previously touched on this a little bit in the course, let me to go over a few additional points regarding drawing lines.

There are two approaches.

There was such a thing as a Construction Line in AutoCAD. A sketch entity with a centerline line type-circles and lines being the most typical-in a SolidWorks part file is always regarded as construction geometry. As a result, a centerline may be mentioned in relation to construction geometry or as a construction line.

You may convert sketch entities in a sketch or drawing to construction geometry, according to the SolidWorks help documentation. Only when constructing the sketch entities and geometry that will eventually be included into the component, construction geometry is employed. When a feature is created from a drawing, construction geometry is disregarded. The same type of lines is used in construction geometry called centerlines.

Because there is a distinct command for a construction line, it may be drawn as a construction line straight away if you wish to utilise it as construction geometry. Centerline is the only name for the command.

It is not quite as simple as drawing a new construction line when you want a new piece of construction geometry that is a circle because there is no separate command for drawing a construction circle as there is for drawing a construction line (this is not nearly as common as wanting a new construction line). A check button in the property manager may be used to convert the circle to construction geometry once the new circle has been created on the screen.

When you want to change regular lines, circles, or other sketch entities into construction geometry, you can select them with a standard left click (or select multiple entities by holding down the Shift or Ctrl keys as you select), and then on the shortcut menu that appears, you can choose the icon for construction geometry. However, drawing this geometry as construction geometry immediately away in the case of lines and circles is quicker.

  • Instead of first drawing a line and then selecting the "For construction" option in the property manager, it is typical to create straight construction lines right away.
  • It is typical to transform entities from one drawing into another while working in a new sketch. (This results in a tense relationship.) These recently converted entities might either be "normal" geometry or, at your discretion, construction geometry.
  • It is typical to convert an edge or edges from a solid body edge into the current drawing when working on a new sketch, including tangent edges while dimensioning a form punch, for example. (This results in a tense relationship as well.)

From an origin, construction lines go on forever in both directions. To establish frames or grids for sketching construction, utilize construction lines.

A particular stratum is marked with construction lines. Construction lines have their own layer, which allows you to turn it off or freeze it before printing, then erase the lines after the drawing is finished.

Building construction lines

  1. Choose one of these:
    • Click Mechanical Contents > Tools > Construction Lines on the ribbon.
    • In the Command box, type AM ConstLine.
  2. Type the following in the graphics area:
    • The location of the construction line in the middle.
    • The intersection point used to determine the direction of the initial construction line.
    • Press Enter to specify additional construction lines via the same origin using different through points.

Horizontal Construction Lines: Creating

In order to establish horizontal building lines:

  1. Choose one of these:
    • Select Mechanical Contents > Tools > Construction Lines > Horizontal from the ribbon.
    • In the Command box, type AM ConstLine and choose Horizontal.
  2. Specify the construction line's centre location in the graphics area.
    • Press Enter to establish parallel horizontal construction lines using different through points.

Construction lines that are vertical

In order to establish vertical construction lines:

  1. Choose one of these:
    • Click Mechanical Contents > Tools > Construction Lines > Vertical on the ribbon.
    • In the Command box, type AM ConstLine and choose Vertical.
  2. Type the following in the graphics area:
    • the location of the construction line in the middle.
    • Press Enter to establish parallel vertical construction lines using different through points.

The construction of parallel lines

At an angle from the origin, parallel building lines are possible.

parallel construction lines to be established:

  1. Choose one of these:
    • Click Mechanical Contents > Tools > Construction Lines > Angle on the ribbon.
    • In the Command window, type AM ConstLine and then Angle.
  2. Provide the Reference option to specify a reference entity, then input the angle from the reference entity, or enter an angle value in the given angle drawing units.
  3. The construction line appears with respect to the horizontal or to the given object at the set angle.
    • Specify the construction line's centre location in the graphics area.
    • Press Enter to establish parallel construction lines using different through points.

making construction lines that intersect

From a vertex, you may make bisecting construction lines.

To make construction lines that are bisected:

  1. Choose one of these:
    • Select Mechanical Contents > Tools > Construction Lines > Angle Bisect from the ribbon.
    • In the Command box, type AM ConstLine and then Angle Bisect.
  2. Click: in the graphics area.
    • A vertex location definition point.
    • a location where the construction line's initial angle will be defined.
    • A location to provide the second angle that establishes the construction line bisecting the vertex.
    • Press Enter to specify a construction line that is bisected by a variety of through points.
Constuction line in SolidWorks

Offsetting Construction Lines

Construction lines can be offset from other linear elements in the following ways:

Offset construction lines are made by:

  1. Choosing one of the following
    • Click Offset under Mechanical Contents > Tools > Construction Lines on the ribbon.
    • Specify Offset after entering AM ConstLine in the Command window.
  2. Enter a distance offset.
  3. Within the graphics section:
    1. A linear source object should be chosen.
    2. To position the construction line, click.
    Constuction line in SolidWorks
  4. Either hit Enter, or repeat step 3.

Building geometry

Sketch entities in a drawing or sketch can be transformed into building geometry. Only when constructing the sketch entities and geometry that will eventually be included into the component, construction geometry is employed. When a feature is created from a drawing, construction geometry is disregarded. The same type of lines is used in construction geometry called centerlines.

It is possible to specify the construction of any sketch object. Construction entities are always points and centerlines.

Reference Geometry (planes, axes, etc.) is another component of the SOLIDWORKS programme that may be used to create features other than drawings.

Sketch Entities to Construction Geometry Conversion

Sketch entities to construction geometry conversion

Choose one or more sketch entities in an open sketch and carry out one of the following actions:

  • The Property Manager's For construction option is selected.
  • On the Sketch toolbar, choose Construction Geometry Tool Construction Geometry Sketch.gif.
  • Select Construction Geometry under Tools > Sketch Tools.
  • Construction Geometry may be chosen by right-clicking a sketch item (drawings only).

Defining Construction Centerlines and Lines

Line segments in a rectangle can be turned into construction lines. When drawing a rectangle, centerlines can also be included.

By choosing For Construction in the Property Manager, you may change solid line segments into construction lines.

Select Add construction lines in the Property Manager and then choose From Corners or From Midpoints to add centerlines to a rectangle.

Constuction line in SolidWorks

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