CorelDRAW: Printing basics

CorelDRAW facilitates extensive options to print our work.

This chapter includes the following essential topics:

  • Printing work
  • Laying out jobs
  • Preview the print jobs
  • Using print styles

Printing work

In CorelDRAW, we can print the multiple copies of similar drawings. We can also specify the page range and page type that we wish to print.

Before we print any drawing, we can specify the properties of the printer, including device options and paper size. For example, we can specify the features of the printer like duplexing stapling in CorelDRAW.

To set the properties of the printer

  1. Press File > Print.
  2. Press the General
  3. Select any printer from the list box of Printer within the Destination
  4. Press Preferences.
  5. Describe the properties inside the dialog box.

To print our work

  1. Press File > Print.
  2. Press the General
  3. Select any printer from the list box of Printer within the Destination
  4. Select the orientation and page size from the list box of Page within the Destination
  5. Type the value inside the box of Number of copies within the Copies
  6. Select any option from the below options from the Print range area:
    • Current document: It prints an active drawing.
    • Current page: It prints an active page.
    • Pages: It prints many pages that we specify.
    • Documents: It prints many documents that we specify.
    • Selection: It prints many objects that we have selected.

Laying out jobs

We can lay-out the print job through describing the scale, position, and size. Tiling the print job can print all the page portions on separate paper sheets that we can assemble into a single sheet.

To describe the position and size of the print job

  1. Press File > Print.
  2. Press the Layout
  3. Select any option from the below options from the Image position and size
    • As in document: It maintains the size of an image in a document as it is.
    • Fit to page: It positions and sizes a print job.
    • Reposition images to: It enables us to reposition a print job through selecting the position.

To tile the print job

  1. Press File > Print.
  2. Press the Layout
  3. Select the checkbox Print tiled pages from the Image position and size
  4. Type the values inside the below boxes:
    • % of page width: It enables us to specify the page width's percentage a tile will inherit.
    • Tile overlap: It enables us to specify an amount through which to overlap the tiles.

Preview the print jobs

We can preview our work to show the size and position of a print job will be appeared on the paper. We can view a single separations will represent if printed.

Before we print our work, we can view the summary of various issues to the print job for finding any printing problems.

To preview the print job

  1. Press File > Print preview.
    Press File > Close print preview to close any print preview.

To magnify a preview page

  1. Press File > Print preview.
  2. Press View > Zoom.
  3. Select the option Percent, and type the value inside the box.

To preview the color separations

  1. Press File > Print preview.
  2. Press the button, i.e., Enable color separations over the property bar.

Using print styles

The print styles can be defined as the saved printing options collection. All the print styles area some separate files. It enables us to move the print styles through one system to another. We can edit the print styles, create the print styles, and choose print style. Also we can delete the print styles.

To select the print style

  1. Press File > Print.
  2. Press the General
  3. In the list box of Print style, select from the below options:
    • Browse
    • CorelDRAW defaults

To create the print style

  1. Press File > Print.
  2. Press the General
  3. Specify the printing options.
  4. Press Save as.
  5. Select any folder where we wish to save this print style.
  6. Fill the value inside the box of File name for a style.

To edit the print style

  1. Press File > Print.
  2. In the list box of Print style, select the print style.
  3. Modify any printing options we want.
  4. Press Save as.
  5. Select any folder where we wish to save this print style.
  6. Press the filename.
  7. Press Save.

To delete the print style

  1. Press File > Print preview.
  2. Choose the print style.
  3. Press the button, i.e., Delete print style.

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