CorelDraw texts in different languages

CorelDraw allows us to work with various texts in different languages efficiently.

This chapter includes the following essential topics:

  • Editing Asian text
  • Using rules of line-breaking for Asian text
  • Asian text OpenType support
  • Editing multilingual text
  • Showing text accurately in a language

Editing Asian text

An input of Asian character is supported within the CorelDRAW if we apply an appropriate OS or if language support is installed over the non-Asian OS only. We can select the default text r font orientation if typing text. If we type paragraph text or artistic text, the program will use the default paragraph or artistic text style.

To select the default font

The steps are listed below:

  1. Select the Text tool.
  2. Click on Esc for ensuring that any object is not selected.
  3. Select any input method through an IME (Input Method Editor) over the Window status bar.
    We can select the input method through the Language bar when the Windows Language bar has been disabled.
  4. Select any form through the Font list box over the property bar.
  5. Select any font style through the Font style list box.

Using rules of line-breaking for Asian text

In CorelDRAW, we can include various rules of line-breaking for application with some Asian text if we have any Asian OS. For most of the Asian languages, the text's line can break among two characters, along with some exceptions. A few characters can't illustrate at the starting of the line. These types of characters are called "leading characters."

To enable or disable the line-breaking rules

  1. Press Text > Line-breaking rules.
  2. Enable anyone checkbox from the following Inside the Asian line-breaking rules dialog box:
    • Leading characters: It ensures that the lines don't break before the characters within the list.
    • Overflow characters: It ensures that any character within the list can be permitted to extend behind the line's margin.
    • Following characters: It ensures that the lines don't break after the characters within the list.

Note: We must have the Asian text support that should be installed on our operating system for viewing the menu items of the Line-breaking rule.

Asian text OpenType support

We can use standard OpenType typography aspects to the Asian text. These aspects can be authorized through the Character area within the Object properties docker.

Some of the essential OpenType aspects and their description are as follows:

Asian width: It modifies the width thru replacing or spacing a glyph.

Horizontal Kana alternates: It substitutes a standard kana glyph along with the horizontal kana glyph.

Asian forms: It replaces the chosen characters along with a distinct glyph form. The forms can't be combined.

Vertical Kana alternates: It substitutes a standard kana glyph along with the vertical kana glyph.

Editing multilingual text

In CorelDRAW, we can include various controls to format the text in distinct languages. We can limit the size, style, and font that modifies to Middle Eastern, Asian, or Latin text by selecting a script type.

To limit properties of font modifies to the multilingual text

  1. Select the Text tool, choose any text.
  2. Click on the Character button for showing some character-related options inside the Object properties docker.
  3. Inside the Object properties docker's Character area, select anyone option through the Language group and script list box:
    • Middle Eastern
    • Asian
    • Latin
    • All languages
  4. Change the font properties.

Note: The list box of Language group and script is present only if applying the Middle Eastern or Asian operating system or if we have language support installed over the operating system.

Showing text accurately in a language

CorelDRAW allows every text to be inserted into the document that is encoded with the Unicode character set. If we import or open any drawing that includes text, CorelDRAW transforms an encoding system that was applied within the file for Unicode. We can show any text accurately by converting it to Unicode to apply the proper code page.

The encoding setting does not affect any text's display outer side of the drawing window, like Text entries, filenames, and keywords inside the Object data manager and Object manager dockers.

To show text accurately in a language

  1. Select the Text tool, and choose any text object which is showing incorrectly.
  2. Press Text > Encode.
  3. Select the Other encoding option inside the Text encoding dialog box.
  4. Select the encoding setting which makes any text readable from the list of Other encoding.

Modifying the encoding permits us to apply Unicode fonts, however, our real text was applying non-Unicode fonts.

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