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C++ Math cos()

The function is used to find the cosine of an angle expressed in terms of radian.


Consider a radian 'x'. Syntax would be:

Note: If the value passed is an integer type, then it is cast to double.


x: Value specified in terms of radian.

Return value

It returns the cosine of an angle in the range of[-1,1].

Example 1

Let's see a simple example when the value of x is positive.


Cosine of an angle is : 0.50046   

In this example, cos() function calculates the cosine of an angle when the degree is equal to 60.

Example 2

Let's see a simple example when the value of x is negative.


Cosine of an angle is :0.000796327

In this example, cos() function finds the cosine of an angle when the value is negative but it remains the same as cos(-x) =cos(x).

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