C++ STL MultisetIntroduction to multisetMultisets are part of the C++ STL (Standard Template Library). Multisets are the associative containers like Set that stores sorted values (the value is itself the key, of type T), but unlike Set which store only unique keys, multiset can have duplicate keys. By default it uses < operator to compare the keys. The value of the elements in a multiset can be inserted or deleted but cannot be altered (The elements are always const). SyntaxParametersT: Type of element stored in the container multiset. Compare: A comparison class that takes two arguments of the same type bool and returns a value. This argument is optional and the binary predicate less Alloc: Type of the allocator object which is used to define the storage allocation model. Example 1Let's see an example to demonstrate C++ Multiset: Output: --------------------- Multiset Example --------------------- 1.Insert Number into the Multiset 2.Delete Element from the Multiset 3.Find Element in a Multiset 4.Count Elements with a specific key 5.Size of the Multiset 6.Display Multiset 7.First Element of the Multiset 8.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 100 --------------------- Multiset Example --------------------- 1.Insert Number into the Multiset 2.Delete Element from the Multiset 3.Find Element in a Multiset 4.Count Elements with a specific key 5.Size of the Multiset 6.Display Multiset 7.First Element of the Multiset 8.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 200 --------------------- Multiset Example --------------------- 1.Insert Number into the Multiset 2.Delete Element from the Multiset 3.Find Element in a Multiset 4.Count Elements with a specific key 5.Size of the Multiset 6.Display Multiset 7.First Element of the Multiset 8.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 300 --------------------- Multiset Example --------------------- 1.Insert Number into the Multiset 2.Delete Element from the Multiset 3.Find Element in a Multiset 4.Count Elements with a specific key 5.Size of the Multiset 6.Display Multiset 7.First Element of the Multiset 8.Exit Enter your Choice: 2 Enter value to be deleted: 200 --------------------- Multiset Example --------------------- 1.Insert Number into the Multiset 2.Delete Element from the Multiset 3.Find Element in a Multiset 4.Count Elements with a specific key 5.Size of the Multiset 6.Display Multiset 7.First Element of the Multiset 8.Exit Enter your Choice: 3 Enter element to find 100 Element found --------------------- Multiset Example --------------------- 1.Insert Number into the Multiset 2.Delete Element from the Multiset 3.Find Element in a Multiset 4.Count Elements with a specific key 5.Size of the Multiset 6.Display Multiset 7.First Element of the Multiset 8.Exit Enter your Choice: 4 Enter element to be counted: 100 100 appears 1 times. --------------------- Multiset Example --------------------- 1.Insert Number into the Multiset 2.Delete Element from the Multiset 3.Find Element in a Multiset 4.Count Elements with a specific key 5.Size of the Multiset 6.Display Multiset 7.First Element of the Multiset 8.Exit Enter your Choice: 5 Size of the Multiset: 2 --------------------- Multiset Example --------------------- 1.Insert Number into the Multiset 2.Delete Element from the Multiset 3.Find Element in a Multiset 4.Count Elements with a specific key 5.Size of the Multiset 6.Display Multiset 7.First Element of the Multiset 8.Exit Enter your Choice: 6 Elements of the Multiset: 100 300 --------------------- Multiset Example --------------------- 1.Insert Number into the Multiset 2.Delete Element from the Multiset 3.Find Element in a Multiset 4.Count Elements with a specific key 5.Size of the Multiset 6.Display Multiset 7.First Element of the Multiset 8.Exit Enter your Choice: 7 The First Element of the Multiset is 100 --------------------- Multiset Example --------------------- 1.Insert Number into the Multiset 2.Delete Element from the Multiset 3.Find Element in a Multiset 4.Count Elements with a specific key 5.Size of the Multiset 6.Display Multiset 7.First Element of the Multiset 8.Exit Enter your Choice: 8 Example 2Let's see another example to demonstrate C++ Multiset: Output: Marks of ms1 class Room: 600 500 500 400 300 200 100 The Number of students in class Room after assigning Class Room students: 100 200 300 400 500 500 600 Highest marks in ms1 Class Room: 600 Highest marks in ms2 Class Room: 100 ms2 Class Room after removal of Students less than 300 marks: 300 400 500 500 600 ms2.erase(500) : 2 removed 300 400 600 ms1.lower_bound(400) : 400 ms1.upper_bound(400) : 300 ms2.lower_bound(400) : 400 ms2.upper_bound(400) : 600 Member FunctionsBelow is the list of all member functions of multiset: Constructor/Destructor
Non-Member Overloaded Functions
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