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C++ Program For Selecting A Random Node From A Singly Linked List

In this article, you will learn how to select a random node from a singly linked list in C++. If you want to select a random node from a singly linked list, you can follow these steps:

Define the Node Structure:

  • Establish a node's structure first in the linked list. Every node should include a data field and a pointer to the following node.

Create a Singly Linked List:

  • After that, implement a class to represent the singly linked list. This class should have methods for inserting nodes and performing other required tasks.

Selecting a Random Node:

  • After that, you must go through the linked list to choose a random node. Counting the nodes and then creating a random index within that range is one method of accomplishing this. Go through the list once more, stopping at the index that is chosen at random.



Random Node Value: 4


Before invoking getRandomNode(), this program imports the required headers, initializes the random number generator with srand(time(nullptr)), and adds a few sample nodes to the linked list in the main function.

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