Create and Manage CMS (Content Management System) in Magento 2

In this section of the Magento 2 tutorial, we will discuss the use of Magento 2 CMS. With the help of Magento 2 CMS, we can create new pages, widgets, and blocks for our store. We can combine these three elements to create custom static pages for products and service information.

  1. Add a new Page
  2. Add a new Block
  3. Add a new Widget

Add New Page

To add a new page, follow the below instructions:

Step 1: On the Magento 2 Admin panel sidebar, Go to CONTENT >> Elements >> Pages.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Step 2: A list of existing pages will display in front of you. Click on Add New Page button to create a new page.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Step 3: Set the page Enabled or Disabled and provide the name of the new page in the Page Title field.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

In the Content section, enter the heading for the page and content which you want to display. You can also insert the image, table, and widgets.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Set a URL Key for the new page. If you have not provided the URL, then it will automatically take according to the Page title and replace the spaces with a hyphen (-).

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

In Page in Websites section, you can also select the store views under which it will display. For a particular store, select store from here otherwise select All Store View for all stores.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

In the Design section, choose the Layout of the page.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

In the Custom Design Update section, you can set design or theme and layout for a particular date.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

After completing all the required information, click on the Save button at the top, and continue.

Note: To add a new page into a website, we need to create the block under which we will add the new page.

Add New Block

Blocks are used for several purposes, such as separating product features on product pages or featuring different product categories on the homepage. To add a new block, follow the below instructions:

Step 1: On the Magento 2 Admin panel sidebar, Go to CONTENT >> Elements >> Blocks.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Step 2: Here, we can add a new block. Click on the Add New Block button to create a new block.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Step 3: Add all the required information here. The Identifier field is the most important field because we need this field to add our newly created block into a page. It should be unique to the block and must be created using only lowercase letters separated by an underscore instead of spaces.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Click on the Show/Hide Editor button to create the link. When choosing this, you will see a list of additional settings like Insert Image, Insert Widget, Insert variable, etc.

Step 4: Add the below code to create a link for About Us page in a block section

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

After completing all the information, click on the Save button to create the new block.

To access the widget management page, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Go to CONTENT >> Elements >> Widget from the left sidebar of your Magento 2 Admin Panel.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Step 2: Here, we could not find any record of the widget, as you can see in the below screenshot. We can add a new widget. Click on the Add Widget button to create a new widget.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Step 3: Now, select the type of widget and design theme and click on the Continue button.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

In Storefront Properties, we need to set Widget Title, and assign it to Store Views and also define the widget Sort Order.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

We can also update the layout for the widget from the Layout Updates section below the Storefront properties. Click on the Add Layout Update button to add a layout.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Choose the Display on and Container, on which the block will be displayed.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Now click on the Select Block button inside the Widget Options section on the left below the Storefront Properties.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Add the Block from here, which we want to display on the frontend. Here, we select the COMPANY block to add in a widget.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Now, you can see in the below screenshot that the COMPANY block is added. When everything is done, click on the Save button to save the Widget.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Refresh the frontend of the website where you can see that the About Us page is added in the footer.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

Note: If the About Us page link does not appear on the frontend, clear the Magento Cache, and then refresh the frontend of the website again.

Click on the About Us link to see how it is visible.

Create and Manage CMS in Magento 2

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