Difference between Digital Signature and Electronic Signature

The terms digital signature and electronic signature are frequently utilized interchangeably, but these two concepts are distinct. The key distinction between these two is that digital signatures are primarily utilized to protect documents and are allowed by certification authorities. On the other hand, electronic signatures are frequently related to contracts where the signer intends to do so.

In this article, you will learn about the difference between Digital signatures and Electronic signatures. But before discussing the differences, you must know about Digital and Electronic signatures and their advantages and disadvantages.

What is Digital Signature?

Digital Signature is a secured signature that operates with electronic signatures and relies on public key infrastructure, which implies it includes encryption standards. It may be considered an electronic fingerprint that both identifies and encrypts a person's identity. When it comes to document security, you employ digital signatures. It is typically authorized because trusted certificate authorities or trusted service providers carry out the digital signature validation. The digital signature is favored over the electronic signature because it is safer and more precise than the electronic signature.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Signature

There are various advantages and disadvantages of Digital Signatures. Some main advantages and disadvantages of Digital Signatures are as follows:


  1. The use of digital signatures on electronic papers or documents reduces the possibility of documents being intercepted, destroyed, read, and modified while in transit.
  2. A digitally signed document may be easily tracked and located in a short period of time.
  3. Utilizing postal or courier services for paper and documents is frequently more expensive than using digital signatures on electronic documents.
  4. Businesses no longer have to wait for paper and documents to be delivered by couriers. Contracts may be promptly created, finished, and signed by all parties involved, regardless of how far apart they are geographically.
  5. A digitally signed electronic document may be utilized in court just like any other signed paper document.


  1. Various digital signature standards are incompatible with one another, making sharing digitally signed documents more difficult.
  2. Digital signatures heavily rely on the technology upon which they are founded, like all technological products. Many technological products have a limited shelf life in this era of rapid technological innovation.
  3. Some countries and governments have weak or non-existent technological and cyber-based laws. Trading in such nations becomes extremely dangerous for those who employ digitally signed electronic documents.
  4. Both transmitters and recipients may need to buy digital certificates at a cost from a recognized certifying authority to utilize digital signatures efficiently.
  5. Senders and recipients must purchase verification software to interact with digital certificates.

What are Electronic Signatures?

Electronic signatures are a digital type of wet link signatures that are legally binding and secure but do not include any coding or standards. It could be an image, symbol, or method attached to a message or document to identify and assent to it. You utilize an electronic signature when you only need to validate a document. Electronic signature validation is not typically permitted because any reputable certificate authority or trust service providers do not carry it out. The electronic signature is easier to utilize than the digital signature and is less authentic and secure.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Signature

There are various advantages and disadvantages of Electronic Signatures. Some main advantages and disadvantages of Electronic Signatures are as follows:


  1. Electronic signatures are simple to implement. The process allows for the simultaneous signature of several papers with the correct platform.
  2. You may add a signature to almost any document type, although the document formats are supported way from provider to service.
  3. You may also include signature fields to documents at any time before sending them to be signed.
  4. It is a quick and faster service.
  5. Reduce human error that may be associated with the courier handling important documents that must be delivered on time.


  1. The use of an electronic signature may be challenging for all parties to understand because it necessitates encryption and complicated verification services.
  2. If you choose a platform that does not focus on encryption, the security of your papers may be compromised.
  3. Hardware and software are subject to obsolescence. It has forced the establishment of a unique archive service that verifies the validity of e-signed documents.
  4. The electronic signature must be confirmed, and this process has no legal requirement.

Key Differences between Digital Signature and Electronic Signature

Difference between Digital Signature and Electronic Signature

There are various key differences between Digital signatures and Electronic signatures. Some main differences between Digital signatures and Electronic signatures are as follows:

  1. A digital signature is a secure signature that utilizes an electronic signature and is supported by public key infrastructure. On the other hand, an electronic signature is a digital type of wet link signature that is secure and legally binding.
  2. Digital signatures are always time-stamped. On the other hand, date and time may be related to an electronic signature but must be written separately.
  3. The digital signature assures the digital document's security. In contrast, electronic signatures are employed to validate digital documents.
  4. Digital signatures meet the criteria while also increasing security by employing cryptographic encryption methods. On the other hand, electronic signatures are not subject to standards and are less secure.
  5. A digital signature is a digital ID authentication technique based on a certificate. In contrast, the electronic signature's authentication technique is not defined and relies on the signer's phone PIN, email, etc.
  6. Trust service providers or trusted certificate authorities operate the digital signature validation. In contrast, the electronic signature validation is not operated by any trusted service providers or certificate authorities.
  7. Electronic signatures are vulnerable to tampering. On the other hand, Digital signatures are highly secure and provide tampered evidence.
  8. Adobe and Microsoft are two types of digital signatures. In contrast, the most prevalent types of e-signatures are electronic ticks, verbal, and scanned signatures.

Head-to-head comparison between Digital Signature and Electronic Signature

Here, you will learn the head-to-head comparisons between Digital signatures and Electronic signatures. The main differences between Digital signatures and Electronic signatures are as follows:

FeaturesDigital SignatureElectronic Signature
DefinitionIt is a secure signature that utilizes an electronic signature and is supported by public key infrastructure.It is a digital type of wet link signature that is legally binding and secure.
BasicIt may be visualized as an electronic fingerprint that encrypts and identifies a person's information.It may be a symbol, image, or method attached to a message or document to recognize and consent to its identification.
UtilizationIt is mainly utilized to secure the document.It is mainly utilized to verify a document.
AuthorizationIt is usually authorized.It is not usually authorized.
ValidationTrust service providers or trusted certificate authorities operate the digital signature validation.The electronic signature validation is not operated by any trusted certificate authorities or trust service providers (TSP).
SecurityIt is more highly secure than an electronic signature.It is vulnerable to tampering.
TypesAdobe and Microsoft are two types of digital signatures.The most prevalent types of e-signatures are electronic ticks, verbal, or scanned signatures.
Security featuresIt has more security features.It has fewer security features.
StandardsIt comes with encryption standards.It doesn't include any coding or standards.
AuthenticationIt is a digital ID authentication technique based on a certificate.Its authentication technique is not defined and relies on the signer's email, phone PIN, etc.


The phrases digital signature and electronic signature are sometimes used interchangeably; there is a significant distinction between them. However, their functions might overlap in the electronic signature, such as verifying a digital document. On the other hand, digital signatures are more common and secure.

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