Dinic's algorithm in C++

In this article, you will learn about the Dinic's algorithm in C++ with their steps, key concepts, example, advantages, and disadvantages.

What is the Dinic's Algorithm?

A graph method called Dinic's algorithm which determines the maximum flow inside a flow network. For some types of flow networks, it provides superior time complexity than the Ford-Fulkerson approach with the Edmonds-Karp implementation.

Steps in the Algorithm:

  1. Initialization: Start with a zero flow during initialization.
  2. Build Level Graph: Using BFS, determine the shortest path between each node in the residual graph and the source to build a level graph.
  3. Find Blocking Flows: Use DFS (Depth-First Search) to look for augmenting pathways in the level graph. Repeat this until no more enhancing pathways are available.
  4. Update Flow: Using the augmenting pathways discovered in step 3, update the flow.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until no augmenting pathways are available, indicating that the maximum flow has been reached.

Key Concepts:

  1. Augmenting Paths: In the residual graph, an augmenting path is a path that allows for the pushing of additional flow from the source to the sink. Dinic's method uses BFS (Breadth-First Search) to find augmenting pathways.
  2. Blocking Flows: A blocking flow is an edge-disjoint augmented channel from the source to the sink. Dinic's method iteratively constructs a blocked flow, increasing the total flow from source to sink with each iteration.
  3. Flow networks: A flow network is a directed graph in which the maximum amount of flow that may pass through each edge is represented by its capacity. In the networks, the nodes are the source and the sink, and where flow is pushed from the source to the sink while respecting the capacities of the edges.
  4. Residual Graph: Dinic's method works using a residual graph, which is a graph that demonstrates how much capacity each edge in the original graph remains after some flow has passed through it.

Time Complexity:

For general graphs, the time complexity of Dinic's method is "O(V^2 * E)"; for bipartite matching, it is "O(min(V^(2/3), E^(1/2)) * E)", where V and E are the numbers of vertices and edges, respectively. Dye to its efficiency, the algorithm works especially well with several kinds of flow networks.


Let us take an example to illustrate the Dinic's Algorithm in C++.




  • Dinic's algorithm is more efficient than Ford-Fulkerson's method in practice, especially for graphs with sparse capacities.
  • It ensures that the shortest augmenting paths are considered first, leading to faster convergence.


  • Dinic's method assumes integral capacities on edges. A scaling strategy can be necessary for fractional capacity.
  • It doesn't directly support negative edge weights. However, it can be extended to handle them with modifications.

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