Brightness and Contrast


Brightness is a visual perception in which a source appears to be reflecting light. Brightness is a subjective property of an object which is being observed. Brightness is an absolute term and different from lightness.

A color screens use three colors i.e., RGB scheme (red, green and blue) the brightness of the screen depends upon the sum of the amplitude of red green and blue pixels, and it is divided by 3.

DIP Brightness and Contrast

The perception of brightness depends upon the optical illusions to appear brighter or darker.

When the brightness is decreased, the color appears dull, and when brightness increases, the color is clearer.

In mobile devices, when brightness setting is high, device battery drains fast as compare to the low setting.

DIP Brightness and Contrast


Contrast is a color which makes an object distinguishable. We can say that contrast is determined by the color and brightness of the object.

Contrast is the difference between the maximum and minimum pixel intensity of an image.

DIP Brightness and Contrast


For example:

Let's take the original image which has a matrix of

DIP Brightness and Contrast

As, we can see that the maximum value and minimum value of the pixel is 100

According to formula

The answer is 0, which means the image has zero contrast.

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