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Discipline Essay

What is Discipline?

Discipline is the person's ability to conduct or think in a controlled manner, particularly when self-control is involved. It is the self-imposed control necessary to achieve a goal. This feature of our existence sets us apart from other living beings as humans are categorized as rational beings since our intelligence is seen as the most advanced sort of evolution. Many people, however, feel burdened by their rationality when under the weight of discipline.

Discipline Essay

Types of Discipline

There are primarily two sorts of disciplines. The first is called induced discipline, while the second is called self-discipline. A discipline is categorized as an induced discipline when someone else controls your life and decisions. Besides, self-discipline refers to taking charge of our own life.

Self-discipline is unquestionably superior. When someone influences you, it becomes annoying, and you constantly attempt to get rid of it. However, when you have control over your life, you are more likely to enjoy it. Controlling your life does not simply refer to being able to do everything you want; it means adhering to the rules you set for yourself but under the law.

Why is discipline important?

In most circumstances, if a person executes a specific work in an appropriate manner of subject, he/she may accomplish the best in his/her life. Completing goals, respecting others, and scheduled routines are all part of the discipline.

Individuals must be focused and motivated to complete their responsibilities to reach a goal, and they must be self-disciplined to do so. This discipline is frequently required for persons who must accomplish a long-term project or an essential job that requires many hours of labour. Our culture is loaded with instances of discipline, which can be seen everywhere we walk daily. Discipline is frequently seen as a vital element of living a meaningful life.

How do we develop Self-Discipline?

The first step in developing discipline is to acknowledge that nothing happens by accident or without making an effort. Making a change requires time and determination. Discipline is something we develop with time, trial, learning and mistakes. Either we desire what is best for our future or don't. Developing self-discipline needs patience, willpower, and dedication, all of which can be learned by anybody willing to do the work. To begin improving self-discipline, start with the following steps:

1. Choose a Goal

Begin by focusing on only one objective to improve your self-discipline.

For example, we may start exercising every evening or read one leadership book every week to improve our skills. We might also practise self-discipline by focusing on a task for an hour without checking messages or avoiding meals for one day. Specifically, we need to learn to control the things in our life by setting a routine. Remember that starting with small targets is the greatest method to improve self-discipline.

2. Identify Obstacles

We must identify the difficulties we will most likely experience while working toward our objective and design a strategy for conquering each.

Assume our objective is to read one leadership book every week to improve our abilities. Now, when we find a book we like, it might be not easy to find time to read it every night. Work, supper, and the kids may keep us busy until late at night. We are also constantly interrupted by messages that arrive on our phones while we are reading. Once we've recognized the hurdles, we must create a plan or manage time to conquer each. We could perform the following in this case:

  • Instead of going to a bookshop, spend an hour online researching leadership books.
  • Order the desired books all at once and save them to a smartphone, so we always have books to read. Whenever we get free, we can continue reading saved books.
  • Schedule extra reading time during the day. So, we can read at lunch or while waiting for our children to get home from school.
  • Turn off the SIM or switch it to aeroplane mode when we want to concentrate on reading.

Our self-discipline frequently fails because we don't usually identify the challenges we'll confront or when we have no strategic solutions to overcome them. When these stumbling blocks appear, we are unprepared to cope, disturbing our determination.

3. Replace Poor Habits

We frequently strive to break a poor habit and replace it with something more useful while building self-discipline. Breaking that habit, on the other hand, might create a void related to a specific time of day or pattern. If we don't replace those poor habits with something effective or meaningful, it will remain challenging to build discipline.

An excellent example is if we're attempting to avoid purchasing stuff online during lunch hour at work. Because we're likely to be online for 20-30 minutes each time, this terrible habit undermines the focus and attention from work. Also, due to a lack of focus during lunch, we cannot eat properly or sufficiently, which affects our health over time.

Once we've decided to quit any bad habit, we must come up with a new behaviour to engage in when needed a little break. This means we must involve with any other activity. Instead of shopping online, we may talk to people at our workplace, have a cup of coffee, or go for a little walk outside.

4. Monitor Progress

We must pay attention to how we feel as our self-discipline improves and strengthens. We may feel liberated, pleased, proud, and invigorated. Consider maintaining a notebook to record the self-discipline objectives. This emphasizes the suitable adjustments we're making in our life and provides us with a record to look back on to see how far we've come. Our self-discipline will improve with time, and later we can apply it to many other aspects of our life.

Importance of Discipline in Parenting

Discipline Essay

Parents should discipline their children for misbehaviour and tell them why discipline is essential in life. Discipline is an important aspect of parenting, starting with setting limits and expectations for the child. Children must acquire discipline because it helps them make intelligent decisions, follow the rules, and respect authority/others. As a parent, we must be both role models and mentors to our children, which include enforcing the standards we set for them at home from toddlerhood through adolescence, college-age years, and young adulthood. Being strict as a parent teaches kids that they must first develop self-discipline before expecting others to do what is right, including their teachers at school and prospective employers when they are older.

Importance of Discipline in Student's Life

Discipline Essay

Without discipline, a student's life is disorganized. A disciplined student may also regulate and handle complicated difficulties more readily than those who are not. The discipline includes planning. There are no intended outcomes without planning. Planning for anything fosters timeliness, essential for success in any sector. Discipline assists a person in being more concentrated on a specific task.

As a result, a disciplined student focuses more on his job, actions, or goals. Discipline helps students avoid numerous types of distractions, fostering a perception of honesty and seriousness. With continuous improvement, discipline produces a high-quality concentration. This can be the key to success for most students in their studies and job searching.

Importance of Discipline in Workplace

Discipline Essay

Workplace discipline leads to a better organizational structure and an easier path to team goals. A disciplined employee can be trusted more to get the job done. It demonstrates that disciplined employees have the self-control required to achieve critical duties while respecting others in the workplace by adhering to rules/policies. Employees that have been reprimanded are accountable for their behaviour because they take pride in their job performance and understand how it reflects on them as individuals. Their commitment to doing the right thing fosters more profound connections with co-workers, leading to higher workplace productivity.

Excessive Discipline

Discipline is essential for a happy life but must be maintained at a certain level. When a person is exposed to extreme punishment, he begins to feel like he is in manacles. When a person is subjected to excessive punishment, he feels suffocated. However, it is an essential component of developing children to be responsible adults.

A child may not always want to act like his father or elders in his life, but the traditional discipline may help him to follow disciplined life like his elders. However, it should not be used to control or manipulate a child. When this occurs, it can lead to resentment and hostility, which leads parents and children to lose faith in one another.

Without faith and discipline, it is complicated for children to build good relationships with others later in life because they were never taught how to do so, including friends, classmates, instructors, etc. A youngster forced to be disciplined early would grow up believing everything must be done via force rather than being taught right from wrong through good examples. Therefore, it is essential not to force excessive discipline on anyone.


We can conclude that we should be balanced in our discipline development. Our actual behaviour is also crucial for maintaining our disciplined life. After all, we are rational human beings who can learn, maintain, and teach discipline. As parents, we can make discipline less intimidating by focusing on training our children rather than punishing them. That way, their focus will be on doing what is necessary for success at school or work instead of getting into trouble.

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