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Django Admin

Django provides an admin site to allow CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations on registered app model.

It is a built-in feature of Django that automatically generates interface for models.

We can see the url entry for admin in file, it is implicit and generated while creating a new project.

It can be easily accessed by after login from the admin panel, lets run the server python3 runserver and access it through the localhost:8000/admin.

A login form will be displayed, see the below.

Django Admin

To login, first create admin (super user) user and provide password as we did here:

Django Admin 1

Super user is created successfully, now login.

Django Admin 2

It shows a home page after successfully login, see below.

Django Admin 3

It is an admin dashboard that provides facilities like: creating groups and users. It also used to manage the models.

Register Django Model

To register model in file. Use the method and pass the Model name. See the example.


Login again and see, it has employee object.

Django Admin 4

It provides auto generated interface to create new model object. Like, if i click on add, it renders a form with all the attributes provided in the model class.

For example, our model class contains the following code.


The auto generated form will be based on the model. We don't need to write HTML to create form. The form looks like this:

Django Admin 5

Lets add an employee by providing details and click on save button.

Django Admin 6

After saving, record is stored into the database table, see the below MySQL table.

Django Admin 7

Using this admin dashboard, we can update and delete record also.

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