Epilepsy DefinitionEpilepsy is a brain-related disease. Repetitive seizures are a symptom of epilepsy. A seizure is occurred due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain, which can affect a person's emotions, movements, and behaviour. Symptom of EpilepsyEpilepsy's primary symptom is frequent seizures. Seizures can disrupt the brain-coordinated process. The symptoms of epilepsy are listed below:
Types of SeizuresDoctors typically divide seizures into focal and generalized categories based on brain activity. Each type of seizure has a different set of symptoms. 1. Focal seizuresFocal seizures happen when one or more areas of one side of the brain experience unusual electrical brain activity. There are two different types of focal seizures: 1) Simple partial seizures: There is no loss of consciousness during a simple partial seizure. This kind of seizure may cause an uncontrolled movement of an arm or leg, as well as mild signs, including tingling, vertigo, and flashing lights. Simple partial seizures may result in the following:
2) Complex partial seizures: Complex partial seizure causes a loss of consciousness. This kind of seizure could make you feel like you're dreaming. During a focal seizure, you might stare off toward space, react strangely to your surroundings, or make repetitive movements like rubbing your hands together, chewing, swallowing, or walking in circles. Children who have experienced complex focal seizures may experience auras before the seizures. The most typical aura includes impending doom, fear, or excitement. You become unconscious and make abnormal body motions during a complex partial seizure, such as:
2. Generalized seizuresA seizure that impacts each part of the brain is called a generalized seizure. There are six different types of generalized seizures. 1) Absence seizures: A quick change in mental state is a symptom of absence seizure. When absence seizures occur, the face, mouth, move or eyes may blink. Usually, seizures do not last more than 30 seconds. After the seizure, it's possible that the kid won't remember what just happened and behaving as normal. This seizure can happen in clusters, up to 100 times per day, quickly making a person unconscious. Absence seizures begin between the age of 4 and 12 years. 2) Tonic seizures: Muscles become tight during tonic seizures. Your back, arms, and legs are typically affected by this seizure, which might make you lose your balance and fall to the ground. 3) Atonic seizures: Muscle control is lost during atonic seizures. The person may fall directly during an atonic seizure because it generally impacts the legs. 4) Clonic seizures: During a clonic seizure, the patient loses consciousness and experiences muscle stiffness and jerks. Typically, the arms, face, & neck are impacted by this seizure. The children may feel tired, faces difficulty speaking or seeing, and experience severe headaches, exhaustion, or body aches during the postictal period. A clonic seizure typically lasts one to three minutes but can extend up to five minutes. 5) Myoclonic seizures: During a myoclonic seizure, the patient experiences short shoulders, neck, or arm muscle twitches. This seizure can happen in clusters, up to 100 times per day, quickly making a person unconscious. 6) Tonic-clonic seizures: The most dangerous form of epileptic seizure is a tonic-clonic seizure. It can cause a sudden loss of consciousness and stiffness, twitching, and shaking of the body. During it, the person can lose control of urine or start biting the tongue. Risk Factors for EpilepsyThe factors that will cause epilepsy are described here: 1. Age: Epilepsy can start at any age but commonly happens to small kids and older people. 2. Family history: You may be more likely to have seizures if someone in your family already has epilepsy. 3. Head injury: Some epilepsy symptoms are caused due to head injuries by using a seatbelt while driving and using a helmet while bicycling and doing activities that carry a high risk of head injuries can help reduce the chances of head injury. 4. Dementia: The chance of epilepsy in older persons is increased by dementia. 5. Brain infections: The chance of epilepsy increases if you have an infection like meningitis. 6. Seizures in young children: Sometimes children experience seizures if they have high fevers. In most cases, children who experience seizures because of high fevers do not have a chance to develop epilepsy. If a kid has experienced a long fever-related seizure, has another neurological disorder, or has a family history of epilepsy, their risk of developing epilepsy increases. Complications During EpilepsyHaving a seizure at particular times can result in harmful situations for you or other people. 1. Falling: If you fall during a seizure, you may suffer from a head injury or fractured bone. 2. Drowning: Epilepsy patients have 13 % - 19 % more chances of drowning in water than others because they can experience a seizure while swimming. 3. Complications during pregnancy: Pregnancy epilepsy is dangerous for both the mother and the unborn child. If you have epilepsy and are thinking about getting pregnant, consult your doctor before you do so. Many epileptic women can conceive and deliver healthy babies. You'll need to take care of yourself and take medications throughout your pregnancy. 4. Car accidents: If you have epilepsy while driving a car, an accident is possible. 5. Psychological problems: Epilepsy patients are more likely to experience psychological issues, particularly sadness, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts and actions. First Aid for SeizuresMost seizures don't require immediate medical attention, and you can't stop a seizure once it's started. 1. First aid for minor seizure:When a person with you is suffering a minor seizure, you can do the following steps:
2. First aid for critical seizure:When a person with you is suffering a critical seizure, you can do the following steps:
3. First aid for tonic-clonic seizure:When the person with you is suffering a tonic-clonic seizure, you can do the following things:
FAQs on Epilepsy1. How can parents aid the kid who has epilepsy? Answer: Most children who have epilepsy can live normal lives. To aid your child in living with epilepsy, ensure your child follows the neurologist's suggestions regarding:
Be sure that other adults looking after your child, such as relatives, teachers etc., know how to Keep your kids safe during a seizure. 2. How is epilepsy identified? Answer: A pediatric neurologist is typically consulted when a kid has experienced a seizure. The neurologist will examine you, ask you questions, and prescribe tests to look for epilepsy. The tests performed to determine the type of epilepsy include:
3. How is epilepsy treated? Answer: Epilepsy is generally treated using medications. Sometimes doctors suggest a particular diet, such as the ketogenic diet, if medications cannot control seizures. The high-fat, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet can help to reduce seizures. Doctors may advise VNS therapy also for difficult-to-control seizures. 4. When to visit the doctor? Answer: Immediately contact a doctor if any of the following take place:
5. What are the triggers for seizures? Answer: Many people with epilepsy say that seizures occur at random. Yet sometimes it can have a trigger, for example:
6. List out the risk factors for epilepsy. Answer: The factors that will cause epilepsy are listed here:
7. What are the possible side effects of epilepsy? Answer: The brain's electrical activity is disturbed during epileptic seizures, which may directly or indirectly impact many body components. The following are possible epilepsy side effects:
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