Finalizer Chaining in Java

In Java, the term "finalisation" describes the cleanup procedure that an object goes through before it is disposed of. The finalise() function, which comes from the java.lang.Object class, makes this procedure easier.

Subclasses are meant to override the finalise() method in order to free up resources or carry out any necessary cleanup before the garbage collector reclaims the object. Nevertheless, there are a number of drawbacks to Java's finalisation process, such as problems with finalizer chaining.

In this section, we will discuss the definition of finalizer chaining, possible issues with it, and appropriate handling procedures.

Understanding Finalizer Chaining

When a subclass overrides the finalize() method, it may need to ensure that the superclass's finalize() method is also called. Because the superclass might also have some cleanup tasks that need to be executed. The process of calling the superclass's finalize() method within the overridden finalize() method of the subclass is known as finalizer chaining.

File Name:


SubClass finalize method
SuperClass finalize method   


The below code illustrates Java's finalizer chaining idea. Both the SubClass and the SuperClass override the finalise() function to add cleanup code unique to their respective classes. The finalise() method in SuperClass prints a message alerting the user of the superclass finalisation.

The finalise() method in SubClass additionally outputs a message and makes sure that super.finalize() in a finally block is used to execute the finalise() method of the superclass. It ensures that, in the event that an exception arises during the SubClass finalisation process, any cleanup mandated by SuperClass will be carried out.

An instance of SubClass is created in the FinalizerChainingExample class and set to null, allowing garbage collection. The System.gc() method is called to suggest that the Java garbage collector should run, which will eventually invoke the finalize() methods of the SubClass and SuperClass, demonstrating the finalizer chaining process.

Potential Problems with Finalizer Chaining

  1. Uncertain Execution Timing: The exact time when finalize() methods are called is uncertain, making it unreliable for timely resource release.
  2. Finalizer Queues: If an exception occurs in a finalize() method, it may prevent other finalizers in the chain from executing.
  3. Performance Overheads: Finalization can introduce performance overheads, as objects requiring finalization tend to be retained longer than those that do not.
  4. Security Risks: Malicious subclasses can override the finalize() method and perform harmful actions, potentially causing security vulnerabilities.

Given the pitfalls associated with finalizer chaining and finalization in general, it is recommended to avoid using finalization for resource management. Here are some best practices and alternatives:

1. Use try-with-resources and AutoCloseable

For managing resources such as files or sockets, implement the AutoCloseable interface and use the try-with-resources statement to ensure timely resource release.

File Name:


Resource in use
Resource closed   


The provided code shows how to manage resource cleanup in Java using the AutoCloseable interface. To implement AutoCloseable, the Resource class needs to override the close() method. This technique prints a notice alerting users to the impending closure of the resource.

The resource is in use, as shown by the message printed by the use() method, which is also defined in Resource. The main() method of the AutoCloseableExample class creates an instance of Resource using a try-with-resources statement.

To mimic resource utilisation, the use() method is called inside the try block. The try block automatically calls the close() method to make sure the resource is cleaned up when it departs, either normally or as a result of an error.


In Java, a technique called finalizer chaining makes sure that when a subclass overrides a superclass, the superclass's finalise() method gets executed. However, it is typically discouraged because to its inherent problems, which include unpredictable execution timing, performance overhead, and potential security vulnerabilities.

Alternatively, for dependable and effective resource management, try-with-resources statements along with the AutoCloseable interface or the Cleaner API are recommended by modern Java standards. These methods give resource cleanup more control and predictability, which is more in line with the design ideas of reliable and maintainable Java applications.