Gold Malayalam Movie ReviewIntroductionAfter a seven-year break, Alphonse Puthren returns as the director of the Malayalam film "Gold," starring Prithviraj Sukumaran and Nayanthara. The film is a mix of comedy, drama, and thriller genres. It follows the story of Joshi, a mobile shop owner, who purchases a new car due to his upcoming marriage alliance with Radha. The movie portrays the incidents occurring within four days of the purchase. Other notable stars in the film include Soubin Shahir. The BeginningThe Prodigy director Alphonse Puthren has released his second movie, "Gold." The movie's release was postponed despite the tremendous level of anticipation. Despite Alphonse's seven-year absence from directing, the movie must capture his prior efforts' genuine spirit. The protagonist of "Gold" is Joshi, a straightforward proprietor of a mobile store who the directors have dubbed "Danger Joshi." Joshi is a laid-back guy who eats his mother's excellent home-cooked meals and lives with her. In the film, the mother's personality is portrayed exaggeratedly, making her seem like a caricature. However, towards the movie's end, she expresses genuine remorse for not stopping a gang of criminals from trying to steal their prized possession. This bolero pickup van had accidentally crashed into their home. At the story's beginning, Joshi is doing well and preparing to propose to his girlfriend while also buying a new car to impress her family. The visual display is fantastic, and the concepts presented are intriguing. A strange van with unknown cargo is parked in front of the main character's house, a key element in the story. Alphonse Puthren, the filmmaker, skillfully uses cinematic techniques to create interest and surprise in the plot. His unique style includes unexpected shots and transitions. While the filmmaking in some areas is impressive and reminiscent of the director's past work, the writing intentionally needs to be more focused and is often disrupted by bizarre preferences. Alphonse's skillful timing and editing techniques are remarkable, but the plot could be more developed and engage the viewer. The Actors and their PerformancesIn the movie, Prithviraj plays a character who is a momma's boy but is also ready to fight and determined to make the most of his life. Despite his uneventful background, he manages to hack his way to success. Prithviraj does a great job portraying this character, giving him some much-needed energy. His attempts to take advantage of desperate circumstances are well-executed and engaging. However, Nayanthara's casting as the spoiled brat-like character Sumangali needs to be more questionable. The actress must be given substantial material to showcase her talents or justify her celebrity status. Prithviraj had mentioned in his previous interviews that the movie has a talented cast of A-list actors who make even a brief appearance in the running shots. This unique feature of showcasing all the faces in cutaways adds to the excitement of the action scenes. Vinay Fort and Baburaj effortlessly portray Alphonse's trademark characters with their witty one-liners and reflective mindset. The DisappointmentsThe movie features some fast-paced scenes with situational humor, but they could have done better. Alphonse Puthren's latest film has a similar storyline and themes to his previous work, Neram. It follows a hero racing against time to find a valuable item while also dealing with his upcoming wedding. The movie also has a range of quirky characters who add to the tension; some resemble those from classic Priyadarsan comedies. The background music for the movie was composed by Rajesh Murugesan. While the story has some weak points, Alphonse's less dominant, youth-oriented soundtrack makes it more engaging than his previous works like Neram and Premium. The characters need more agency and depth instead of wasting time with meaningless plans. One bright spot is Prem Kumar's memorable cameo, stealing the show. The movie takes bold risks with its pacing and scene order, adding a unique layer of charm and visual detail that reflects the director's distinctive style. However, the screenplay needs to deliver a strong impact. Gold is a unique form of entertainment that deviates from the typical cliches found in time-bound thriller stories. Alphonse Puthren's films are constantly engaging and never dull, even with their distinct narrative styles, aesthetic beats, and cleverly placed subtitles that make up a significant part of his cinematic language. RatingOverall, it's worth a rating of 3.5 out of 5.
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