How Servlet works?It is important to learn how servlet works for understanding the servlet well. Here, we are going to get the internal detail about the first servlet program. The server checks if the servlet is requested for the first time. If yes, web container does the following tasks:
The web container calls the destroy method when it needs to remove the servlet such as at time of stopping server or undeploying the project. How web container handles the servlet request?The web container is responsible to handle the request. Let's see how it handles the request.
What is written inside the public service method?The public service method converts the ServletRequest object into the HttpServletRequest type and ServletResponse object into the HttpServletResponse type. Then, calls the service method passing these objects. Let's see the internal code: What is written inside the protected service method?The protected service method checks the type of request, if request type is get, it calls doGet method, if request type is post, it calls doPost method, so on. Let's see the internal code: Next TopicCreating Servlet In Myeclipse IDE |