How to Become a Better Leader

In a world driven by constant change and challenges, the need for effective and inspiring leaders has never been greater. Whether in the workplace, community, or personal life, leadership is a valuable skill that can make a significant impact. Becoming a leader is not solely about holding a position of authority; it's about influencing and guiding others toward shared goals, fostering collaboration, and inspiring positive change.

This guide aims to provide insights and practical steps on how to become a leader. Leadership is not an innate trait but a set of skills and qualities that can be cultivated and honed over time. By understanding the core principles of leadership and adopting a growth mindset, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and development to unlock their leadership potential.

How to Become a Better Leader

Embarking on the journey to become a leader requires dedication, continuous learning, and a commitment to personal and professional growth. Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to enhance your leadership skills or someone aspiring to step into a leadership role for the first time, this article aims to provide valuable insights and actionable steps to guide you on your leadership journey.

As we dive into the following points, remember that leadership is not about a title; it's about making a positive impact on those around you. By embracing the principles and practices outlined in this article, you can cultivate the qualities that define effective leaders and contribute to creating a positive and influential presence in your chosen field.

What is Leadership?

Improving leadership can be challenging when considering practical and tactical approaches. The initial step towards enhancement involves establishing a clear definition of leadership.

"In its most basic form, our definition of leadership involves the action of aligning individuals and directing them toward a common goal. Envision a scenario where every leader comprehends their goals, possesses the knowledge to mobilize their followers towards those objectives, and adeptly utilizes their strengths for achievement."

How to Become a Better Leader

A fundamental aspect of effective leadership lies in the capacity to articulate desired outcomes and facilitate the utilization of individuals' talents to reach those goals. Exceptional leaders possess a deep understanding of their team members, focusing more on their strengths than their weaknesses. While great leaders acknowledge both their own and others' weaknesses, they recognize that their competitive advantage is rooted in leveraging strengths.

What Makes a Better Leader

A competent leader embraces accountability for their role. They recognize that every action they take has a direct impact on the individuals under their guidance.


Establishing trust serves as the cornerstone of effective leadership. Trust is composed of honesty, clarity, and the predictability of behavior. Leaders should integrate the quality of trustworthiness into their character and recognize it as a crucial skill. Prioritizing this skill is imperative because, in its absence, individuals may not feel as secure in following a leader.

As an illustration, openly discussing your concerns or challenges as a leader sets a precedent. By exemplifying vulnerability, you create an environment where followers are more inclined to entrust you with their issues. This demonstration of transparency fosters a culture of trust, strengthening the bond between the leader and their followers.


Compassion involves holistically caring for your followers and acknowledging them beyond their performance abilities. A compassionate leader should be open to sharing their challenges and embracing similar honesty from others.

For instance, respond calmly and empathetically when followers navigate challenging situations, whether in their professional or personal lives. Whether it's family-related challenges or workplace burnout, exhibiting compassion sets an example that can contribute to their success.

How to Become a Better Leader


Establish reliability so that others can trust in you. Fostering stability involves creating an environment where individuals feel psychologically secure, confident that they can rely on you for answers, receptive to their ideas, and responsive to their concerns. Effective communication plays a pivotal role in embodying this trait. Stability centers on the present moment, anchoring people in the assurance that they can depend on you.

For instance, aim for consistency in your responses to those who follow you. Address the questions posed by your followers as consistently as possible. This approach contributes to the stability that they seek in their leader.


Inspire individuals to have confidence in a brighter future. While stability pertains to the present, fostering optimism concerns the days to come. People must perceive their leaders as having a well-defined vision and guiding them in the right direction. When leaders convey a sense of hope, it instills enthusiasm in followers for the future.

For example, discuss the future with a positive outlook. Even during challenging times, acknowledge the difficulties while articulating the most favorable outcome to your followers. This approach maintains a hopeful perspective, contributing to a positive and encouraging atmosphere.

Seven Expectations for Leaders

  • Build Relationships: The idea of "leadership" is inseparable from a collective of individuals requiring guidance. In straightforward terms, leaders are unable to fulfill their role without followers, underscoring the crucial role of cultivating robust relationships. Forming strong connections, fostering trust, and nurturing relationships are vital for individuals' well-being. It is imperative to acknowledge the significance of people, genuinely understand them, and actively work towards establishing enduring connections.
  • Develop People: Are those under your leadership, coaching, or teaching feeling a sense of progression? It's a widely accepted understanding that without continuous growth, one remains distant from success. Consequently, there's a certainty that individuals will seek alternatives - whether it be leaving your organization, fitness class, or night class - to find guidance that aligns more closely with their goals. Each day presents an opportunity for individuals to make incremental improvements in their endeavors. Consistent and perpetual development is not only possible but should be actively pursued.
  • Lead Change: The term to focus on here is "lead." As a leader, there is a significant expectation for continuous progress, ensuring that the purpose, mission, and vision remain consistent. Delegating some responsibility for change to your followers is not only acceptable but also beneficial. Encouraging them to generate innovative ideas, improve processes, or devise smarter approaches fosters a sense of ownership and contributes to positive change. While every individual can identify opportunities, take the initiative, set goals, and formulate plans, it is your responsibility as a leader to exemplify these qualities.
  • Inspire Others: Is this attribute considered too "soft" to be deemed a crucial expectation for success? Leaders ought not to offer inspiration to enable others to discover deeper meaning in a vision or purpose. Absent this meaningful connection and inspiration for those who follow, it becomes challenging for them to fully commit to the overarching purpose, be it within your organization, classroom, small group, or any other context. This expectation emphasizes the significance of every small action, highlighting its impact and importance.
  • Think Critically: Indecisive decision-making and weak thought processes should not be tolerated in leadership, or at the very least, they should not be the types of thinking that shape ultimate decisions. Assessing plans, grasping risks, organizing ideas, and formulating actionable steps demand leaders to engage their entire cognitive capacity and think critically. Achieving success necessitates setting a clear goal and formulating a comprehensive, well-thought-out strategy to reach it.
  • Communicate Clearly: Discover your most effective communication style, and then understand how others prefer to be communicated with. Share meaningful information and ideas, recognizing that effective communication involves delivering compelling content that guides informed actions and decision-making. Consider communication not merely as conveying information to your followers but as a collaborative process that includes sharing, asking questions, active listening, and brainstorming. These various elements constitute essential aspects of clear communication in leadership.
  • Create Accountability: Individuals, especially leaders, carry a significant level of accountability. As much as you expect responsibility from those who follow you, the same standard applies to you. Whether it's anticipating students to bring the correct equipment to your fitness class or ensuring employees meet their deadlines, accountability begins with you. In practical terms, this involves openly committing to initiatives, plans, or ideas and delineating your responsibilities. Additionally, accountability may manifest in your willingness to apologize to those you lead when a significant lapse occurs. Fostering a culture of accountability not only enhances the environment for your followers but also provides them with opportunities to enhance efficiency and creativity through their responsibilities.

Leadership Vs. Management

Ultimately, leaders and managers share a common focus: the development of individuals and the achievement of team or organizational success.

Leadership: Traditionally, leaders have been tasked with shaping a comprehensive strategic vision.

Management: Managers are responsible for implementing leadership directives and guiding teams.

As the workplace undergoes ongoing transformations, the distinction between leaders and managers becomes increasingly nebulous. The evolving nature of work blurs the traditional boundaries of their roles. The primary divergence lies in their organizational hierarchy. Managers typically assume the role of leading individuals directly, whereas leaders are tasked with guiding those who lead teams. Leaders predominantly shoulder the responsibility of formulating the strategic vision and often maintain a certain distance from day-to-day operational activities. On the other hand, managers are more hands-on, focusing on the practical aspects of executing the work.

In essence, the changing dynamics of the workplace are reshaping the traditional definitions of leadership and management. While leaders are more visionary and strategically oriented, managers play a crucial role in implementing and executing tasks, reflecting the adaptability needed in today's evolving professional landscape.

How to Lead a Team to Success

Success is a subjective concept, varying for each individual, making it challenging to find comprehensive guidance on leading a team to success or understanding the key factors of a successful team. In essence, "A successful team is one where individuals are positioned to leverage their strengths, receiving the necessary resources and collaborations to excel in their work."

How to Become a Better Leader

Effectively leading a successful team involves recognizing the distinct contributions of each team member, including oneself. CliftonStrengths simplifies this process by aiding team members in discovering, developing, and leading with their strengths, resulting in increased employee engagement and performance - key indicators of team success. However, these outcomes, while significant, are not as crucial as providing employees with the opportunity to utilize their strengths to the fullest, which is the ultimate measure of a successful team.

To lead a successful team, it's essential to acknowledge areas where personal strengths may be lacking openly. Rather than conforming to the conventional wisdom that suggests improving weaknesses, CliftonStrengths emphasizes investing in one's natural strengths. This approach not only applies to individual leadership but also encourages team members to focus on their innate strengths for overall team success.

Leadership Development

Effective leadership development commences with a profound sense of self-awareness. Leaders need an in-depth comprehension of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and emotions. A critical component of self-awareness is emotional intelligence, which entails not only recognizing and managing one's emotions but also understanding and influencing the emotions of others. Many leadership development programs integrate assessments, feedback loops, and coaching to assist individuals in nurturing self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Leaders who possess a clear understanding of their emotions and the ability to empathize with others are more adept at navigating intricate interpersonal relationships, making well-informed decisions, and cultivating a positive organizational culture.

Successful leadership development underscores the significance of ongoing learning and adaptability. In the swiftly evolving business environment of today, leaders must remain updated on industry trends, technological advancements, and emerging leadership theories. Programs dedicated to leadership development should foster a growth mindset, advocating for a readiness to draw lessons from experiences, whether they be successes or failures. Being exposed to diverse viewpoints, engaging in mentorship, and participating in pertinent workshops or courses all play roles in enhancing a leader's capacity to adapt and innovate. A dedication to continual learning guarantees that leaders maintain agility and the capability to guide their teams adeptly through diverse challenges and opportunities.

At its core, leadership revolves around the ability to influence and inspire others, with effective communication playing a pivotal role. Programs focused on leadership development prioritize refining communication skills, encompassing active listening, articulating compelling visions, and delivering constructive feedback. Additionally, proficiency in collaboration is crucial for constructing resilient, unified teams. Leaders need to comprehend how to capitalize on the strengths of individual team members, cultivate a culture of collaboration, and establish an environment conducive to open communication. Leadership development initiatives commonly integrate workshops, role-playing exercises, and practical applications to elevate communication and collaboration capabilities, ensuring that leaders can foster a work environment characterized by positivity and inclusivity.


In summary, effective leadership is crucial in navigating the complexities of today's dynamic world. Leaders need to foster trust, compassion, stability and hope while also embodying accountability, inspiring others, and promoting critical thinking and clear communication. Building strong relationships, nurturing individuals, and leading change are core expectations for leaders, alongside acknowledging the evolving landscape of leadership and management roles. Leading teams successfully relies on leveraging strengths, fostering self-awareness, and embracing continuous learning and adaptability. Leadership development programs should prioritize enhancing emotional intelligence, communication, and collaboration skills to empower leaders to drive positive change. Ultimately, effective leadership lies in guiding individuals and teams toward common goals, fostering organizational success, and promoting a culture of innovation and inclusivity.

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