How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

You already know who we're talking about-the person who casts critical glances at you, asks endless questions about your life, and constantly monitors your every move! Yes, the only purpose of the nosy relatives is to make us uncomfortable. No matter how much we try to avoid the possibility of communicating with them, we occasionally come across our very annoying relatives. We have written down a survival guide to assist you in dealing with those relatives who drive you crazy since we know how difficult it is to deal with their constant probing questions.

Stay Away from Your Irritating Relatives

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

Try to avoid meeting or being around certain relatives if you know they will always irritate you. Try to limit the amount of time you spend with them if you are unable to avoid them completely. Speak to them as little as possible if you must spend time with them. This is the best way to deal with them.

Change Your Viewpoint

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

Are you still getting pointless inquiries from your nosy aunt? If you think their queries are inappropriate, be careful to respond in a hazy manner. This is an excellent method to skillfully sidestep inquiries without coming off as impolite. Keep your mouth shut and smile or nod in agreement if they continue to be engaged in discussion. You remain silent, and they have no subject to discuss. Also, doing it in this manner will never damage their ego and will instead make them think highly of you as a lovely introvert. This can be considered a mutually beneficial approach.

Determine if it's Necessary to Talk or Not

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

While certain relatives may sincerely care about you, others may only wish to interfere with your household duties out of affection or worry. After paying attention to them and getting a sense of their intentions, choose if it would be better to remain silent and simply smile at them or whether you must respond. If you are aware that they are acting out of habit, change the subject to something they can boast over for extended periods of time, depriving you of the opportunity to reply.

Think Strategically and Follow Up with a Question

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

Engage in intelligent discussion with them by asking a question that directly addresses their inquiry. Where do you get your outfits from, if someone asks? Question them about their best estimate or favorite shopping location. Take care of them gently, and eventually, they will realize that there is nothing interesting in your existence to scoff at.

Request Assistance

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

In case nothing else works, consider asking your sibling for assistance. Tell them to give you a call or come over and give you a task to do in order to help you push your buttons. While you are handling other tasks, you might also ask a relative to handle the meals or dishes. For the scene to appear completely authentic, go for the sweetest possible fakery. In addition to avoiding a long list of inquiries, doing this can also avoid awkward silences because you won't have anything to say to them.

Staying Inside the Lines for Too Long is Not Advisable

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

You must be aware of how long your obnoxious aunt or uncle will take to begin their nosy interrogations because you have known them for a long time. As long as it doesn't bother you, you can stay in the room and start a discussion. You can just leave the room after saying hello and goodbye, thinking up any plausible explanations that seem genuine. One of the greatest ways to avoid being asked pointless questions without coming off as a spoiled, ill-mannered child who can't host visitors is to keep your interactions brief, pleasant, and straightforward.

Steer Clear of Both their and your Trigger Subjects

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

Perhaps you're aware that your parents disapprove of your body piercings and blue hair or that your political views are very different from theirs. To maintain harmony, try to be reasonable in your approach and, if possible, in how you look.

Try to steer clear of touchy or contentious subjects and instead offer helpful substitutes.

Say thank you and move on if they say something kind or nasty to you. Avoid arguing with them all the time. Conflict arises when two people argue with one another.

Act Sincerely, Politely, And Courteously When Conversing

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

When you decide to talk, simply provide the information you want to know. When they ask you questions, when possible, try to respond honestly. Develop your listening skills. Waiting for someone else to complete speaking is not the definition of listening.

Put your Bothersome Relatives Out of your Mind

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

When your most obnoxious relatives say or do something upsetting, try to ignore them, or if you have to be around them, move away from them a bit.

Even if there are numerous unpleasant behaviors, you may stand out from the crowd and choose not to interact by ignoring them.

Get Yourself a Social Buffer

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

Someone who can handle obnoxious family members-such as a parent, brother, sister, or friend-and relieve you of the burden can serve as a buffer.

Prior to each interaction, social buffers have to be informed of their function. Take more than one, and don't just leave them to handle everything while you sneak away.

Adore Them Instead of Trying to Change

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

Please remember to speak and act with acceptance and love in mind. Love usually stops irritations before they arise, even if it seems counterintuitive. It'll undoubtedly alter your viewpoint as well. You will fail and spend your energy trying to change people; thus, it should not be your mission in life.

Give Them a Warm Welcome

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

Greeting guests at your house or city may entail a variety of tasks, but it nearly always involves cooking or cleaning. If they are staying at your house, find out if they would like to eat or clean up first, and then arrange for that to happen. After feeding or washing, and after being escorted to their room or motel, talk about your plans for the visit.

Arrange a few Dinners and Events

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

A few well-planned meals and leisure activities might help keep things organized. Make extravagant dinners if you enjoy cooking, and it brings you happiness, but don't feel pressured to impress your family. Arrange dinners or other food options that are affordable for everyone.

Show Empathy

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

You may greatly reduce the irritation by practicing compassion toward both yourself and the people around you.

Being compassionate is a gradual process that requires effort and is not a passive quality. You will occasionally stumble across opportunities to exercise compassion, but you will always have obnoxious relatives to deal with!

Engage in a Solo Activity

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

When you are somewhere with an obnoxious relative, engaging in solitary hobbies might create a wall of insulation around you. Moreover, retreat to the kitchen or a bedroom.

Put on some headphones. Donning headphones conveys to those in your vicinity your lack of interest in conversing and your genuine interest in your music, podcast, or other media.

Flip through a book. When you read, most people, even the most obnoxious ones, won't disturb you. In such a case, respond, "I'm reading something for work/school/that's important".

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