How to Install Apache CouchDB on CentOS


Apache CouchDB is an open source database software that focuses on ease of use and having a scalable architecture. It has a document-oriented database architecture and is implemented in the concurrency-oriented language Erlang. It stores data as JSON objects.

It was first released in 2005 and later became a part of Apache software foundation in 2008. In this tutorial, we will learn the process involved in the installation of CouchDB on CentOS.


  • CentOS
  • Yum must be configured on the system.
  • Login as an administrator on the terminal


Installation includes following steps.

1) Enable Couch DB's Yum Repository

Create a file named as bintray-apache-couchdb.repo inside /etc/yum.repos.d/ and place the following code to enable the CouchDB repository.

CentOS How to Install CouchDB on CentOS 1

2) Install CouchDB

Use the following command to install CouchDB on CentOS7.

CentOS How to Install CouchDB on CentOS 2
CentOS How to Install CouchDB on CentOS 3
CentOS How to Install CouchDB on CentOS 4

3) Start CouchDB

Use the following command to start CouchDB server.

CentOS How to Install CouchDB on CentOS 5

4) Accessing CouchDB on browser

When the server is started, we can access CouchDB on browser through localhost. Just type localhost:5984/_utils for this purpose.

CentOS How to Install CouchDB on CentOS 6

Click on Create Database button to create a database.

CentOS How to Install CouchDB on CentOS 7

In our case, database is named as javatpoint.

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Now, Database is created successfully. We can create, update and delete the tables in our database javatpoint.

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5) Check the status

Use the following command to check the status of Apache CouchDB. In our case, it is active and working fine.

CentOS How to Install CouchDB on CentOS 10

6) Stop CouchDB

Use the following command to stop the database.

CentOS How to Install CouchDB on CentOS 11

Hence, we have successfully installed and get started with CouchDB.

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