How to Install Eclipse on CentOS


Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) mainly used for Java Development. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. It is mainly written in Java. It can also be used for development in C, C++,C#, COBOL, D, Fortran, Haskell, JavaScript and many more programming languages. In this tutorial, we will install Eclipse on CentOS.


  • Login as an administrator on terminal
  • JDK must be installed on the system.


Installation includes following steps.

1) Download Eclipse

Download the latest version of Eclipse (Oxygen) by clicking the link

2) Extract the File

Use the following command to extract the file which is just downloaded from the internet.

CentOS How to Install Eclipse on CentOS 1

3) Move Eclipse to /opt

Use the following command to move the extracted folder eclipse into /opt.

CentOS How to Install Eclipse on CentOS 2

4) Create a Desktop file

Create a desktop file named as eclipse.desktop inside /usr/share/applications/. Use the following command for this purpose.

And enter the following information inside.

CentOS How to Install Eclipse on CentOS 3

5) Install the File

Use the following command to install the Desktop file.

CentOS How to Install Eclipse on CentOS 4

6) Create a symlink

Change the working directory to /usr/local/bin and run the following command to create a symlink of eclipse there.

CentOS How to Install Eclipse on CentOS 5

7) Launch the Application

Search for eclipse in the Application directory and double click on the eclipse icon to launch the application.

CentOS How to Install Eclipse on CentOS 6

The welcome page of eclipse appeared when we launch the application.

CentOS How to Install Eclipse on CentOS 7

Hence, we have successfully installed and get started with Eclipse Oxygen.

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