How to Install Ruby on CentOS


Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language developed by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in the mid 1990s. Ruby was influenced by Perl, Smalltalk, Ada and Lisp. It can be seen as multiple paradigm programming language. The name Ruby was mentioned since it was the birthstone of one of the colleagues of Yukihiro. In this tutorial, we will install ruby on CentOS.


  • CentOS 7
  • Login as an administrator on the terminal.
  • Yum must be configured on the system.


Installation includes following steps.

1) Update the repository of yum

First, we need to update the local repository index of yum. For this purpose, execute the following command.

2) Install Ruby

Run the following command to install Ruby on CentOS.

CentOS How to Install Ruby on CentOS 1
CentOS How to Install Ruby on CentOS 2
CentOS How to Install Ruby on CentOS 3
CentOS How to Install Ruby on CentOS 4

3) Verify Ruby

To check, whether Ruby is installed on the system or not, run the following command which shows the version of Ruby installed.

CentOS How to Install Ruby on CentOS 5

Well, we have successfully installed and get started with Ruby on CentOS.

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