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How to Post a Tweet

Sign in to your Twitter account. You will see a box with the text "What's happening?" at the top, in the middle of your homepage or below the "home." Type in your tweet in this box. You can also click on the "New Tweet" button located to the left side.

SMO How To Post A Tweet

Compose your tweet in the given box and then click on the "Tweet" button located at the right upper corner of this box. The tweet will be posted to your profile. You can add photos, video, GIF, etc., in your tweet using the buttons located below this box to its left side. You can add up to four images in your tweet.

SMO How To Post A Tweet

Your tweet is visible to all your followers, so provide relevant information about your business and add a link to your site. Thus, by sharing valuable information regularly through tweeting, you can promote your business and increase the popularity of your brand. There can be up to 280 characters in a tweet; earlier, the limit was 140 characters. Before writing a tweet, keep a few things in your mind, such as the content of your tweet should be engaging, you can incorporate a shortened URL and use trending hashtags and more.

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