How to Prevent Obesity

Obesity is a chronic illness which is diagnosed in a person when their body weight is more than what is considered healthy for their height according to BMI.

Adults who are obese have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more. Obesity is linked to a number of health problems, such as metabolic disorders, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. But just as some individuals who are not overweight still experience these disorders, some obese persons have strong metabolisms and are not at higher risk of illness.

How to Prevent Obesity

Avoiding obesity lowers your chance of developing a number of related health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, some types of cancer, and many more. Like many chronic conditions, obesity is preventable with a healthy lifestyle-staying active, following a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, and so on. If you already have an obesity or overweight problem, the prevention measures also apply to treating your condition.

Types of Obesity

Morbid obesity comes in two different forms: centripetal and peripheral. The first kind which is centripetal is mostly identified by fat deposits in the abdominal area and it is mostly common in guys.

On the other hand, the peripheral type is more prevalent in women and exhibits a greater concentration of fat buildup in the thighs and hips.

The two types of obesity are sometimes referred to as apple- and pear-shaped because of the differences in body structure.

How is obesity calculated?

A person's weight and height are compared to determine their level of obesity. That calculation is referred to as the body mass index. When an adult's BMI is 30 or over, obesity is diagnosed. Therefore, a man who is 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weighs 92 kilograms or more is considered obese.

What causes obesity?

Although diet can have an impact, there are many other factors that contribute to obesity than just what you eat. But obesity is not a personal problem or a reflection of your self-control; rather, it is far more complicated than the outdated concept of calories burned vs. calories consumed.

Different factors leading to obesity are:-

  • Food, exercise, and sleep: An individual's eating habits, level of physical activity and amount of sleep can all lead to weight increase.
  • Genetic factors: A person's genetic make-up frequently determines their body size, and a variety of genes can contribute to obesity.
  • Social determinants of health: Your environment at home, at work, and at school can affect your chance of obesity. Access to high-quality, fresh food is one of the societal variables that can influence eating habits.
  • Drugs and illnesses: A number of illnesses and drugs have the potential to cause weight gain.
  • Psychological factors: Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and sadness can also cause obesity in some individuals.

Health conditions that lead to weight gain:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Cushing syndrome
  • Thyroid disease
  • Prader-Willi syndrome

Weight gain is another side effect of medications, particularly those used to treat depression and other mental health issues. Taking care of these conditions or modifying medication may aid in controlling the symptoms of obesity.

How is obesity treated?

Treatment for obesity is challenging because it is a complicated illness. Although many obese people want to lose weight, it can be difficult to maintain weight loss with diet and lifestyle modifications alone. Fortunately, even a little weight loss can have an impact. Even if you are still obese, you can experience improved blood sugar regulation, increased energy, and better sleep by decreasing just 5% to 10% of your body weight.

How to Prevent Obesity

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following ways to treat obesity:

  1. Consuming Whole Foods: Eating more fruits and vegetables while deducting packaged foods and sugary beverages help in treating obesity.
  2. Becoming more active: Getting involved into more physical activity like exercising, walking or doing other strength exercises can help reducing obesity.

In addition, medical measures such as weight loss surgery or weight loss medications can be used as treatments for obesity. Although these solutions benefit a lot of individuals, they are not miracle cures. If one is thinking about getting treated through medications or surgery, they should first consult their medical health professional.

How to prevent obesity

A family history of obesity, a connected medical issue, gradual weight gain, or even a general concern for maintaining your health may be the reasons behind your concern about preventing obesity. For any reason, the objective is good.

Obesity is preventable with a healthy lifestyle, similar to how many chronic conditions are by being physically active, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep, and so on. If you already have an obesity or overweight problem, the prevention measures also apply to treating your medical condition.

Obesity can be prevented by the following ways:

1. Diet

By following these fundamental healthy eating guidelines, obesity can be avoided. You can prevent obesity and reduce weight by implementing these easy changes to your diet.

How to Prevent Obesity
  • Take five meals a day- Eat five or seven servings a day of whole fruits and vegetables as your main goal. Fruits and vegetables are foods which are low in calories. Eating fruits and vegetables decreases the risk of obesity and it is also associated with reducing risks of diabetes and insulin resistance. They help you feel full on fewer calories and avoid gaining weight because of their high fiber content.
  • Avoid processed food - Empty calories are easily obtained from highly processed meals like white bread and numerous packaged snack foods. These calories pile up quickly. According to a 2019 study, people who were given a minimally processed diet ate less calories and lost weight, while those who were given a highly processed diet consumed more calories and gained weight.
  • Cut down sugar intake - One should cut down the sugar intake if they want to reduce obesity. Sugary drinks, such as sodas and energy or sports drinks, sweets, grain desserts like pies, cookies, and cakes, fruit drinks, and dairy desserts like ice cream are some of the main sources of added sugar that should be avoided.
  • Drink more water- Increase your water intake and cut out any sugar-filled drinks from your diet. Make water your go-to beverage; coffee and tea without sugar are fine as well. Stay away from energy drinks and sports drinks, as they have been demonstrated to potentially harm the cardiovascular system in addition to having a huge quantity of added sugar.
  • Have a plant-based diet- Consuming a plant-based diet has been linked to significantly decreased rates of obesity and improved general health. At every meal, fill your plate with entire fruits and vegetables to accomplish this. Consume tiny portions of unsalted nuts as snacks, such as pistachios, cashews, walnuts, and almonds; these are all linked to heart disease. Reduce your intake of protein sources high in saturated fats, like dairy and red meat, or cut them out completely.

2. Exercise

According to the majority of national and international guidelines, an average adult should engage in at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intense physical exercise. This is at least thirty minutes per day on five days a week.

Researchers observed that compared to people engaging in other activities, those who walk quickly and briskly are more likely to be lighter in weight, have a lower body mass index (BMI), and have a smaller waist circumference compared to others.

Fitness experts recommend being active throughout the day for a healthy lifestyle and better health.

3. Relax

Prolonged stress causes cortisol levels to rise, which in turn causes weight gain. Additionally, it may lead to bad food decisions since stress chemicals like cortisol can exacerbate "carb cravings" and weaken willpower and moral judgment.

Investigate the different stress-reduction techniques that are beneficial and see which ones work best for you. Take regular walks, do yoga, meditate, listen to your favorite music, hang out with friends, or do anything else that makes you feel happy and at ease.

4. Sleep

Proper sleep is very important for every human being. People of 18 years of age and older should get seven hours or more of sleep per night, and younger people and children should get even more sleep per night. Lack of sleep also causes obesity.


Obesity may have multiple underlying causes. The good thing is that you have control over the two most important ones, which are physical activity and food. Numerous more health advantages can be obtained by leading a healthy lifestyle that prioritizes eating well and exercising. These techniques will also assist you in losing weight if you are obese or overweight already. Even though it can be difficult at times, the journey is worthwhile. However, it's crucial to speak with a healthcare provider if you've made major changes to your lifestyle and are still gaining weight or finding it difficult to reduce weight. There can be an underlying medical problem, like a fluid-retentive disease or an endocrine disorder.

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