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How to schedule a post on Facebook

By scheduling a post on Facebook, it will help us to

  • Save time creating individual posts.
  • Engage and connect with more people.
  • Provide consistent content for our followers.

It is a boon for those social media marketers who want to keep up with posting schedules. It works as an antidote mostly for the empty or sad Facebook pages, where the last post was years ago.

For this purpose, it is required that we must have knowledge about scheduling a post to make our life easy and simple.

Note: We can schedule the post only for the business page, not for the personal account.

These are the following two ways through which we can schedule the post on business pages:

  • Natively
    We can schedule a post natively which uses Facebook's own posting scheduler.
  • Third-party scheduler
    We can also schedule a post by using a third-party scheduler. This method takes full advantage of a posting and social media management and tools like Hootsuite.

These are the following steps used to schedule a post on Facebook:

Desktop: Natively

1. Login into Facebook Account.

Firstly, open the Facebook official website by pasting the in the address bar of the preferred web browser. If we are already logged into Facebook, we will directly reach the News Feed page. But if we are not login, then enter the username, phone number, and email address, followed by the password in the given tab.

How to schedule a post on Facebook
How to schedule a post on Facebook

2. Create a Facebook business page

After login successfully, we will create a Facebook business page. To get the knowledge about how we can create a Facebook business page, click on the business page link.

How to schedule a post on Facebook

3. Create a post

Now, we will go to the top of the Facebook page's timeline. Here, a box will be visible where we will create a post.

How to schedule a post on Facebook

4. Select schedule

After creating a post successfully, we will take a look at the Publishing tools. It can be a link or drop-down menu. We will either select the schedule option of the drop-down or click on the Publishing tools.

How to schedule a post on Facebook
How to schedule a post on Facebook

5. Set date and time

Now, we will set the date and time by clicking on the schedule post.

How to schedule a post on Facebook

After clicking on the schedule post, the selectors will be visible for setting date and time.

How to schedule a post on Facebook

6. Click on the Schedule

This will be the last step for scheduling the post. We will click on the Schedule button. This button will be located at the bottom of the window. This click will schedule our post for a specified date and time.

How to schedule a post on Facebook

Mobile App:

We cannot schedule a post on the mobile app. We have to login to Facebook account on a computer only for scheduling a post.

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