How to set the TLS version in Java?

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol that ensures privacy between communicating applications and their users on the Internet. Setting the appropriate TLS version when developing Java applications is crucial for ensuring secure communication. Java TLS configuration is essential for applications like financial services, healthcare systems, and e-commerce platforms that need secure connections. Maintaining secure connections preserves the integrity and reliability of the application while safe guarding sensitive user data.

In this section, we will discuss how to set the TLS version in Java with example.

Understanding TLS

TLS is an evolution of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, providing enhanced security. Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) is a set of packages that enable secure Internet communications. The package is the key component in JSSE for implementing SSL and TLS in Java applications.

This package includes various classes and interfaces for managing secure socket connections:

  1. SSLContext: Represents a secure socket protocol implementation. It acts as a factory for secure socket factories or SSLEngine.
  2. TrustManager: Manages the trusted certificates. The default implementation is X509TrustManager.
  3. HttpsURLConnection: Extends HttpURLConnection to support HTTPS-specific features.

Importance of TLS in HTTPS

HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is an extension of HTTP that uses TLS to encrypt data between the client and server. Encryption protects data from being intercepted by unauthorized parties during transmission. HTTPS is essential for securing sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details, and personal data.

Setting TLS Version

To set the TLS version in Java, we can configure it at different levels:

  1. JVM Level
  2. Programmatically in Code

1. Setting TLS Version at the JVM Level

We can set the TLS version globally Java application by adding system properties when starting it. Use the -D option to set system properties.

This approach is simple and affects all HTTPS connections made by the JVM.

2. Setting TLS Version Programmatically in Code

We can also set the TLS version programmatically in Java code. It provides more flexibility and control over specific connections.

Below is a complete Java example demonstrating how to set the TLS version to TLS 1.2 for a specific HTTPS connection.

File Name:


How to set the TLS version in Java


This Java program establishes an HTTPS connection to using TLS version 1.2 and prints the first few lines of the response. It configures a custom TrustManager to trust all SSL certificates, which is useful for testing but insecure for production. The program sets up an SSLContext with the TLSv1.2 protocol and the custom TrustManager, then creates an HttpsURLConnection to the specified URL. It reads and prints the first five lines of the server's response, ensuring the output is manageable. If any exceptions occur during the process, they are caught and printed to the console.


Setting the TLS version in Java is a critical aspect of ensuring secure communication in your applications. We can configure the TLS version at the JVM level for a global effect or programmatically in code for more fine-grained control. This section provides detailed steps and a complete example to help you set up TLS 1.2 in Java applications. Always ensure to use of trusted certificates and proper error handling in production environments for maximum security.