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How to set up Cash on Delivery (COD) payment method in Magento 2?

In Cash on Delivery (COD) method, customers pay for their purchase in cash while accepting an order from the shipping carrier. After that, the shipping carrier brings the money back to the store owner. Similar to the other payment methods, we can select the countries from where a store owner will accept the Cash on Delivery (COD) payment.

To set up the Cash on Delivery (COD) as a payment method, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Login to the Magento 2 Admin Panel.

Step 2: On the left sidebar of Magento 2, Go to STORE >> Configuration.

How to set up Cash on Delivery (COD) payment method in Magento 2

Step 3: Under the Sales section, click on the Payment Method.

How to set up Cash on Delivery (COD) payment method in Magento 2

Step 4: Expand the Cash on Delivery Payment section to configure it for our Magento 2 store. Here we will find several fields to configure the payment method.

Note: To edit the default values of fields, clear the Use system value checkbox and edit the field values.

How to set up Cash on Delivery (COD) payment method in Magento 2

Enabled: To display the COD method as a payment option on the checkout page to the customer, set Yes to this field.

Title: Enter an appropriate and easy-to-understand title, which will be visible to the customers on the frontend.

New Order Status: Set this field to Pending for new orders until the receipt of payment is authorized by admin.

Payment from Applicable countries: By selecting All Allowed Countries, customers from all countries are applicable to make the payment using Cash on Delivery (COD).

Payment from Specific Countries: If we choose Specific Countries, then the customer from specific countries will be applicable to use this payment method, which we select from the list. Select the number of countries with the Ctrl key.

Instructions: Enter the instructions for the customers that they must have to follow to make Cash on Delivery (COD) payment.

Minimum Order Total: Set the minimum order total to qualify for the COD payment method.

Maximum Order Total: Set the maximum order amount to limit using this payment method.

Sort Order: Enter the order number to sort the position of this payment method on the checkout page.

Step 5: Click on the Save Config button to confirm the Cash on Delivery payment in Magento 2.

How to set up Cash on Delivery (COD) payment method in Magento 2

Step 6: Once we saved Cash On Delivery (COD) payment method, it will show up on the frontend with the criteria we have set from the backend. Customers can select the payment method as per their choice and place orders successfully.

How to set up Cash on Delivery (COD) payment method in Magento 2

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