How to use the JavaScript multidimensional array

The JavaScript programming language does not directly support multidimensional arrays. A multidimensional array must be created by employing another one-dimensional array to use something that functions as a multidimensional array. Thus, multidimensional arrays are called arrays inside other arrays in JavaScript.

The primary array has the whole element as a multidimensional array; we need to nest some arrays inside other arrays. The javascript programming language uses that array as the multidimensional array into which the other arrays will be inserted. Just like a typical one-dimensional array, a multidimensional array can be defined in the same method.

Multidimensional arrays are helpful when we want to store data in a tabular form, such as a table with rows and columns. Add each array inside its own pair of curly braces to make a two-dimensional array.

Way to use JavaScript multidimensional array

The following ways use to create and operate multidimensional arrays.

First Way

The different array variables create and use multiple values in the bracket.

First, define some 1D arrays with the following values:

Because "arr_var1" is already a 1D array, it has a definition similar to other arrays.

Second way

The single variable uses multiple values of the array in the other array.


The example shows different ways of the multidimensional array and its functionality.

Example 1: the following example shows javascript iterable with the numbers of the array. We can use multiple variables in a single array variable with multiple pieces of information.


The multidimensional array function shows the array data.

How to use the JavaScript multidimensional array

Example 2: the following example shows javascript iterable with the array numbers. We can use multiple brackets with the information in the array bracket.


The multidimensional array function shows the array data.

How to use the JavaScript multidimensional array

Methods used in the JavaScript multidimensional array

The insert, save, add, remove, and other operations use with the javascript multidimensional array. We can use the following methods in the javascript multidimensional array.

  • Pop() method
  • Push() method
  • Sort() method
  • Reverse() method
  • Indexof() method
  • Shift() method
  • Unshift() method
  • Splice() method

Pop() method

The method eliminates the element in the array with the last index. Eventually, this will cause the array length to be reduced by 1.

Example: the following example shows a javascript multidimensional array with the numbers of the array. We can use a multidimensional array with the removed values.


The multidimensional array function shows the array data with the pop() method.

How to use the JavaScript multidimensional array

Push() method

Using this technique, we can add a new element to the array at its end. This will eventually result in an increment of 1 in the array length.

Example: the following example shows a javascript multidimensional array with the numbers of the array. We can use a multidimensional array with the insert values.


The multidimensional array function shows the array data with the push() method.

How to use the JavaScript multidimensional array

Sort() method

This method can sort the array elements numerically or alphabetically depending on the specified array type. Additionally, the array's order will be permanently changed using the Sort method.

Example: the following example shows a javascript multidimensional array with the numbers of the array. We can use a multidimensional array with a sorting method incrementally.

<!DOCTYPE html>


The multidimensional array function shows the array data with the sort() method.

How to use the JavaScript multidimensional array

Reverse() method

The method is used for reversing the array elements. This procedure shows the result in the first index element becoming the last and the last index element becoming the first.

Example: the following example shows a javascript multidimensional array with the numbers of the array. We can use a multidimensional array with a sorting method incrementally.


The multidimensional array function shows the array data with the reverse() method.

How to use the JavaScript multidimensional array

Indexof() method

The index of an initial instance of a specific element in the multidimensionalarray can be found using this technique. The function will return -1 if the element is not present.

Example: the following example shows JavaScript multidimensional array with the method operating to the elements. We can use a multidimensional array with the index () method to get the index and value.


The multidimensional array function shows the array data with the Indexof() method.

How to use the JavaScript multidimensional array

Shift() method

The first value of the array is removed when using this approach, and the other components are shifted to the left in its place.

Example: the following example shows JavaScript multidimensional array with the shifting method operating to the elements. We can use a multidimensional array with the shift() method to change the position on the left side.


The multidimensional array function shows the array data with the shift() method.

How to use the JavaScript multidimensional array

Unshift() method

To shift an array to the right using this approach, a new element is added to the 0 indexes, and all other items are moved to the array's right.

Example: the following example shows JavaScript multidimensional array with the unshifting method operating to the elements. We can use a multidimensional array with unshift() method to add new array elements.


The multidimensional array function shows the array data with the unshift() method.

How to use the JavaScript multidimensional array

Splice() method

This technique can add or remove Any type of element from the array.

Example: the following example shows JavaScript multidimensional array with the splice method operating on the elements. We can use a multidimensional array with the splice() method to add and remove elements.


The multidimensional array function shows the array data with the splice() method.

How to use the JavaScript multidimensional array


The javascript multidimensional array is used to operate multiple data. It works with many javascript methods to handle user data.


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