I'm dying to + (verb): Usage and Examples

I'm dying to + (verb) informs someone you are desiring something greatly.


" I'm dying to play cricket. "
" I'm dying to meet my boss. "
" I'm dying to visit Agra. "
" I'm dying to see my grandmother. "
" I'm dying to order burger and cold drink. "
" I'm dying to order pizza. "
" I'm dying to increase the source of my income. "
" I'm dying to play football. "
" I'm dying to know more about you. "
" I'm dying to get out of the office because of so much pressure. "
" I'm dying to tell you something. "
" I'm dying to love you, now. "
" I'm dying to see you, now. "
" I'm dying to join your team. "
" I'm dying to meet my girlfriend. "
" I'm dying to start my youtube channel. "
" I'm dying to go to London. "
" I'm dying to know what happened there. "
" I'm dying to start a new business. "
" I'm dying to write autobiography. "

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