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Interjection Worksheet

One of the eight parts of speech is interjections. The other seven parts of speech include noun, pronoun, verb, preposition, adjective, adverb, and conjunction. Interjections are employed in sentences to express emotion. While they are not commonly used in academic writing, they do have a place in other writing genres, such as short fiction.

This interjection worksheet will provide an opportunity for students to practice utilizing interjections in statements.

Interjection Worksheet

Review of Interjections

Interjections are frequently used at the start of a statement. They can, however, occur anywhere else in the statement, along with the middle and end. Based on the depth of the emotions the writer wishes to communicate, interjections are typically accompanied by a comma or an exclamation mark.

Sometimes writers would use many exclamation marks to add more intensity to their text. To be honest, only one exclamation point is required to communicate emotion.

Interjection Examples

Here are some examples of statements with the interjection highlighted:

  1. Ouch! I've just been bitten by a spider .
  2. Heya, return that notebook back here .
  3. What does it mean that you won't be coming, huh ?
  4. I'm just a child, wow, not a pro athlete .

Since interjections have no relationship to the rest of the sentence, they are only useful in quotations, like a conversation between characters in a story, or in informal writing, like as messaging, writing, or emailing relatives and friends.

Incorporate or academic writing, where the style must be professional, interjections are seldom, if ever, used.

Onomatopoeia as Interjections

Another interesting characteristic about interjections is that they are frequently onomatopoeic. Onomatopoeia is a term that sounds like "woot," "doh," or "boo." These terms can be found in any language; nevertheless, the very same sound in multiple languages will match the characteristics of that language. Interjections in other nations vary according to culture and language.

Interjection Worksheet - A

Part A: Identify the Interjection

Recognize the interjection in the below-mentioned sentences and highlight them.

  1. Heya, I'm grateful to be able to attend my celebration .
  2. Wow! You look fantastic in this outfit .
  3. This is one of the best works done by you. Kudos !
  4. Ugh! I can't even believe you spoiled my teddy bear .
  5. I'm curious, where did I put my phone and wallet? Hmm .
  6. Woohoo, I have found a treasure box in my home .
  7. When the woman noticed the kitty trying to lick milk from her cereal bowl, she yelled, "Shoo, go away !"
  8. Oh no, I think that's the ending of the video .
  9. Stop! While riding a bicycle, you must always wear personal protective equipment .
  10. I drew this painting completely on my own. Yipee !

Answers for Interjection Worksheet- A

  1. "Heya" is the interjection, and it is a type of greeting .
  2. "Woow!" is the interjection in the sentence, and it demonstrates surprise .
  3. "Kudos" is the interjection used in the sentence and is utilized to congratulate the achievement and accomplishment .
  4. "ugh" is the interjection term and shows sadness and sorrow .
  5. "Hmm" is the interjection term used and shows the verbal process of the mental procedure .
  6. "Wohoo" is the interjection term and shows excitement .
  7. "Shoo" is the interjection term utilized to shock the kitty verbally .
  8. "Oh no" is the interjection term and demonstrates sorrow and sadness .
  9. "Stop" is the interjection term and stops the upcoming action .
  10. "Yippee" is the interjection term and showcases excitement .

Part B: Select the Appropriate Interjection

Guidelines: Select the most suitable interjection from the list below and start writing it in the space given in the below-mentioned sentences.

1. _________,Where have you been these days ?

2. ________, I am very glad that you came to meet us .

3. _______________,it's not very often that you are seeing a dog trying to ride a hoverboard .

4. ________, how can you even say yes to such a proposal ?

5. _________, I forgot to get my dairy .

6. _______, this is the perfect proposal, thanks .

7. __________ this is a very big kitty at the ending of the leash .

8. ___________That is a very beautiful outfit .

9 .__________my favourite actor is going to visit our college next week .

10. This is my new bike,_____ !

Answers to interjection worksheet - Part B

Certainly, the answers to the sentences can differ. Many of the options can be combined into multiple sentences. You might say, "Seriously," or I might say, "Yikes." Some might suggest, "Hooray," and I'd say, "Omg." However, we have given the following answers and the reasons.

  1. Heya - It is the form of greeting or can be used to draw attention as well .
  2. Wow - It is used to show happiness, a surprising/happy feeling .
  3. Dang - It is a term that demonstrates sadness and sorrow .
  4. What - It is a term used to show shock or disagreement with something .
  5. Oops- It is a term that is used to express dismay or apology .
  6. Bingo- It is a term that is used to show enthusiasm or excitement
  7. Gosh - It is a term that is used to showcase excitement .
  8. Amazing - It is the term used for showing delightfulness .
  9. Yipee - It is a term used to express intense excitement .
  10. Hurray - It is the term used to show happiness/delight .

Interject Life with Joy

Like many aspects of the English language, interjections are intended to be used sparsely. They're truly effective in small bits of dialogue if you are trying to write a small story.

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