Java 9 New Version-String SchemeJava version-string is a format that contains version specific information. This version-string consists of major, minor, security and patch update releases. In Java 9, a new version-string scheme is introduced that looks like the below. $MAJORThis version number shows a major change in Java version. It increases when a major change occurs. Like Java 8 to Java 9. Each major release contains new features to the existing one. $MINORThis version number shows minor changes in Java version and increases with each minor update. These updates can be bug fixes, revision to standard API etc. if an update is released to Java 9, version-string format will be Java 9.1 (contains major and minor release number). $SECURITYThis version number represents security update and increase for each new security update. Security updates can be critical fixes and security issues. If any security update is released to Java 9, the version-string format will be like: Java 9.1.5 (contains major, minor and security release number). $PATCHThis version number increases for each security and high-priority customer fixes, which has been tested together. If a patch is released to Java 9, version-string format will be Java (contains major, minor, security and patch release number). Note: Each time the $PATCH version number is reset to zero if any $SECURITY, $MINOR, or $MAJOR version numbers are incremented.The $MINOR and $SECURITY version numbers are set to zero, if the $MAJOR version number is incremented. However, when the $MINOR version number is incremented, the subsequent $SECURITY version number need not be set to zero. In Java 9, a Runtime.Version class is added to get Java version information. This class contains methods and has following signature. Java Runtime.Version Class SignatureJava Runtime.Version Class Methods
Java Runtime.Version ExampleOutput: Current version is 9.0.1+11 Major version number 9 Minor version number 0 Security version number 1 Pre-released information Optional.empty Build Number Optional[11] Next TopicJShell: The Java Shell (REPL) |