Java Application World (JApps) Project

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Objective/ Vision

A Java Application World software where user can use applications developed in Java such as calculator, notepad+, puzzle game, ip finder, word count tool, source code generator, picture puzzle game, tic tac toe game and exam system.

Users of the System

  1. User

Functional Requirements

1. User
  1. Can use calculator
  2. Can use notepad+
  3. Can use puzzle game
  4. Can use picture puzzle game
  5. Can use tic tac toe game
  6. Can use ip finder
  7. Can use word count tool
  8. Can use source code generator
  9. Can use exam system

Tools to be used

  1. Use any IDE to develop the project. It may be Eclipse /Myeclipse / Netbeans etc.

Front End and Back End

  1. Front End: Java Swing
  2. Back End: No


Some screenshots are given below:

japps 1 japps 2 japps 3

How to run this project

Double click on the runnable jar file JApps.jar.

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