Java BigDecimal movePointRight() method

The movePointRight() method of java BigDecimal class is used to move the decimal point of the current BigDecimal by n places to the right.

  • Note:
  • If n is non-negative, the call merely subtracts n from the scale.
  • If n is negative, the call is equivalent to movePointLeft(-n).

The BigDecimal returned by this call has value (this � 10n) and scale max(this.scale()-n, 0).



n: number of places to move the decimal point to the right.


ArithmeticException- If scale overflows, then it throws exception:


It returns a BigDecimal which is equivalent to this one with the decimal point moved n places to the right.

Example 1

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Final result after 3 move point right =123230

Example 2

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Final result after 4 move point right =5345440000

Example 3

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Final result after -2 move point right =5345.44

Example 4

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Final result after -6 move point right =0.0005341254

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