abs() | It returns a BigInteger whose value is the absolute value of this BigInteger. |
add() | This method returns a BigInteger by simply computing 'this + val' value. |
and() | This method returns a BigInteger by computing 'this & val ' value. |
andNot() | This method returns a BigInteger by computing 'this & ~val ' value. |
bitCount() | This method returns the number of bits in the two's complement representation of this BigInteger which differs from its sign bit. |
bitLength() | This method returns the number of bits in the minimum two's complement representation of this sign bit excluding the sign bit. |
clearBit() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is equal to this BigInteger whose designated bit is cleared. |
compareTo() | This method compares this BigInteger with the specified BigInteger. |
divide() | This method returns a BigInteger by computing 'this /~val ' value. |
divideAndRemainder() | This method returns a BigInteger by computing 'this & ~val ' value followed by 'this%value'. |
doubleValue() | This method converts this BigInteger to double. |
equals() | This method compares this BigInteger with the given Object for equality. |
flipBit() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is equal to this BigInteger with the designated bit flipped. |
floatValue() | This method converts this BigInteger to float. |
gcd() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is the greatest common divisor between abs(this)and abs(val). |
getLowestSetBit() | This method returns the index of the rightmost one bit(lowest-order) in this BigInteger (the number of zero bits to the right of the rightmost one bit). |
hashCode() | This method returns the hash code for this BigInteger. |
intValue() | This method converts this BigInteger to an int. |
isProbablePrime() | This method returns a Boolean value 'true' if and only if this BigInteger is prime else for composite values it return false. |
longValue() | This method coverts this BigInteger to a long. |
max() | This method returns the maximum between this BigInteger and val. |
min() | This method returns the minimum between this BigInteger and val. |
mod() | This method returns a BigInteger value for this mod m. |
modInverse() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is 'this inverse mod m'. |
modPow() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is 'thisexponent mod m'. |
multiply() | This method returns a BigInteger by computing 'this *val ' value. |
negate() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is '-this'. |
nextProbablePrime() | This method returns the next prime integer that is greater than this BigInteger. |
not() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is '~this'. |
or() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is 'this | val' |
pow() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is 'thisexponent'. |
probablePrime() | This method returns a positive prime BigInteger, with the specified bitLength. |
remainder() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is 'this % val'. |
setBit() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is equal to this BigInteger with the designated bit set. |
shiftLeft() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is 'this << val'. |
shiftRight() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is 'this >> val'. |
signum() | This method returns the signum function of this BigInteger. |
subtract() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is 'this - val'. |
testbit() | This method returns a Boolean value 'true' if the designated bit is set. |
toByteArray() | This method returns a byte array containing the two's-complement representation of this BigInteger. |
toString() | This method returns the decimal String representation of this BigInteger. |
valueOf() | This method returns a BigInteger whose value is equivalent to that of the specified long. |
xor() | This method returns a BigInteger ny computing 'this ^ val ' value. |